I. General information
1. Awarded degrees
Qualification (degree) of master, awarded by an educational program in the direction of 120700.68 “Land management and cadastres”.
2. Forms of learning
3. Changes and major achievements since the last visit of the experts
Public and professional accreditation of the program is carried out for the first time.
4. Preparation for accreditation
Concerning the carrying out of public and professional accreditation of an educational program in the specialty 120700.68 “Land management and cadastres” in the Association for Engineering Education of Russia (accreditation center of the AEER) with award of the "European quality label" EUR-ACE®Label in the NRU "BelSU", an order to their public and professional accreditation was issued, establishing the responsibility and authorities of University employees. In the preparation of the educational program, the following personnel was employed: A.N. Petin, Dean of the Faculty of mining and environmental management; L.I. Belousova, Deputy Dean of educational and methodical work of the Faculty of mining and environmental management; N.V. Aulova, Head of the Division of accreditation and licensing (General management of the process of reporting and editing), N.V. Markovskaya, Head of HR; V.A. Monastyreva, Director of the N. N. Strakhov Scientific Library; Chirkova V.V., Chief accountant of the Administration of accounting and control; S.I. Tarasova, Head of the Division of diagnosis and quality of training; Bushukhina I.N., Head of the Administration of educational and organizational management; Belousova O.A., Head of the Division of statistics and information work; Uvarov G.I., Professor of environmental management and land cadastre (preparation of individual sections and tables). For evaluation of the report on self-examination of this educational program it was established an expert group composed of: Shatokhin I.T., Vice-rector of methodological work and quality of education; Sitnikova M.I., Head of the Administration of methodical work and quality of education; Aulova N.V., Head of the Division of accreditation and licensing of Administration of methodical work and quality of education; Petin A.N., Dean of the Faculty of mining and environmental management; Belousova L.I., Deputy Dean of educational and methodical work of the Faculty of mining and environmental management Belousova L.I.
The responsible for preparing for accreditation is the Vice-rector of methodological work and quality of education, candidate of historical sciences, Professor Ivan Tikhonovich Shatokhin.
Contact information:
postal address Russia, 308015, Belgorod city, street Pobedy, 85,
Belgorod State University
Phone (4722) 30-18-01
II. The self-examination of the program
1. Objectives of the program
The purpose of the educational program is to prepare competitive specialists in the sphere of land management and cadastre.
1.1. Consumers of the educational program
Internal consumers of the program are the University administration, students, faculty ensuring the implementation of the program, the employees involved in the process of its implementation, as well as graduate students, doctoral candidates, applicants. The group of external customers includes employers, community organizations, government agencies, parents.
No. p.p. | Consumer | Requests |
1 | The State represented by the Ministry of science and education, | - requirements of the State educational standard (SES); |
2 | Faculty and staff ensuring the educational process | - assurance of necessary working conditions and decent wages; |
3 | Enterprises and organizations | - requirement to reach a high level of professional competences of graduates; |
4 | Entrants | - image of the educational institution and the availability of experience of specialists training with appropriate profile in it; |
5 | Students and graduates | - relevance of the level of training of the current state of the industry development and of research activities; |
1.2. Demand for the educational program
The educational program is claimed by its external and internal customers. The evidence of demand are reviews of satisfaction of internal and external customers; direct communication with them; external consumers (employers) data in relation to the quality of a graduate training in a program.
The definition of a need in this educational program is implemented within:
- the analysis of QMS management – a performance evaluation of QMS for the implementation of the policy and the achievement of the objectives in the domain of quality and identifying areas and actions to improve specialists training at the University;
- internal audits of the QMS;
- external audits of the QMS;
- the interaction with the basic departments of the National Research University "BelSU" working in the sphere of land management and cadastre;
- state accreditation and licensing.
The need for this educational program is determined by the level of demand and, therefore, the level of customer satisfaction of this educational program and can be described through a process of monitoring its demand and satisfaction of it, on basis of the collection, the processing and the analysis of relevant information.
The demand for programs by customers is confirmed by the availability of contracts with institutions and enterprises, providing their base for conducting practices: State Unitary Enterprise "Belobltekhinventarizatsiya", Federal State budgetary institution "Center of agrochemical service "Belgorodskiy", Department of property and land relations of the Belgorod region, LLC "Pulsar", the Federal Service for State registration, cadastre and cartography, JSC "VIOGUEM", LLC "Belgorodstroyizyskaniya" and others.
The demand for the educational program by consumers is evidenced by the following indicators and processes:
1. The results of the survey of pupils of the senior classes of secondary schools and their parents in the framework of vocational guidance;
2. The presence of partnership agreements in the field of training of personnel with a number of basic organizations and enterprises: Federal Service of State registration, cadastre and cartography, JSC "VIOGUEM", Department of property and land relations of the Belgorod region, LLC "Pulsar", LLC "Belgorodstroyizyskaniya" and others.
3. All graduates of this field of training are employed.
4. A competition for admission and the number of employed graduates is also a proof of the EP demand from students. Such data are contained in volume 3 paragraph 7 “Information about admission of students and graduates of the unit” and paragraph 9 “Requirements to admission and to graduates” in section II. General information about the unit.
1.3. Objectives of the educational program
Objectives of the educational program are based on the requirements of the State educational standard.
The main purpose of the educational program 120700.68 “Land management and cadastres” is to prepare highly qualified specialists in accordance with the job description prescribed by order of the Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation of 18 November 2009 N 631 “About the approval and introduction of the Federal State educational standard of higher professional education in the field of training 120700 “Land management and cadastres” (qualification (degree) "Master"), which qualification integrates knowledge, abilities and skills with data of fundamental and applied research. Graduates should possess methodological culture.
When receiving qualifying skills it is advisable to consider scientific, industrial and educational interests of the Central Black Earth region of Russia and the expansion of scientific, industrial and educational contacts with foreign centers.
Therefore, the main direction of professional activity of graduates are:
1* organization and management;
2* design;
3* production and technology;
4* science and research.
The Mission of the University
Federal State autonomic educational institution of higher professional education "Belgorod State National Research University (NRU "BelSU"), being a center of education, culture, science and innovation, sees his Mission:
• in the careful preservation and enhancement of the spiritual and material values of human civilization;
• in the creative pursuit of perfection of personality possessing high professionalism, culture, intelligence, social activity, qualities of a citizen-patriot and able to develop education, culture, science, the innovative potential of the Belgorod region and other regions of Russia;
• in advanced training of the intellectual elite of society on the basis of the integration of education, science and industry, capable of practical implementation of new knowledge and professional competence;
• in improving the quality of life.
The Mission of the University is contained in the policy in the domain of quality education NRU "BelSU". The Mission of the University was developed and approved by the rector of NRU "BelSU", on the 30/05/2011.
1.5. Documentation fixing objectives of the educational program
Documentation which contains objectives of the educational program:
• State educational standard in the direction of preparation of Masters;
• Working programs of disciplines;
• Educational-methodical complex (EMC) of the training program;
• Practice programs;
• Methodical recommendations for the implementation of the graduation qualifying work;
• Standing order about the final certification;
• Information booklets, leaflets, used for career guidance and attracting potential students and business partners.
• The protocol of the meeting of the graduating chair.
1.6. Publications of objectives of the educational program
Objectives of the program are published and available to all consumers of the educational program, namely, are presents:
- in the State educational standard of higher professional education in the direction;
- in the educational-methodical complex (EMC) of the training program;
- in the protocols of meetings of departments, faculties, Academic Council.