Beratungsservice просмотров: 1113
Human Resource Management as core competence
KVP Consulting is an independent consulting company, which main activities is management of the personnel in such streams as HR-Recruiting, HR-Controlling und HR-Development. As worldwide-known business-partner KVP Company support its users at German-speaking economic space (Germany, Austria, Switzerland), and at the Benelux countries (Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg). Consulting activities of KVP Company aim in assistance not only to medium enterprises, but also to public organizations and large industrial enterprises, handicraft industry, trade and services. KVP Consulting Company is a private property, that unites people of strong personality which possess more than 30-year experience in management and control. Before becoming a part of KVP Consulting Company, these people were HR-management leading employees at many enterprises of good reputation in many branches of business. In the process of work they possess the support of consulting experts and network partners.
Consultansy service
High quality demands
KVP Consulting Company consult and represent the interests of its customers at the whole range of problems at HR-management including project forms and expert’s visit into place conscientiously and result-driven. Therefore we make prior in our consulting activities permanent increase of economic efficiency of employees and customers’ economical efficiency. Consulting authority of KVP Consulting Company is based on the one side on wide work experience of our experts and on the other side on their deep knowledge. Our experts work professionally in such fine sphere as HR-management is. Together with customers, they pursue the problem issue from the phase of project to the final phase of unique and excellent-selected problem decision; their decision is always of the highest quality in this branch of business.
HR Recruiting
Executive Search
At the HR-recruiting sphere KVP Consulting Company offers such service as executive search, personnel marketing and selection of experts and leading employees at commercial, industrial-technological branches of business. According to your desire, KVP Consulting Company undertakes complicated projects such as searching and finding process, formalization process, pursuit of choice within free vacancies applicated. We may be of your support during the separate phases of recruiting like particular act conception at personnel marketing, pre-qualification of suitable applicants or for division and addition of personal data.
On account of many years’ experience, our experts are skillful at personnel decisions and HR-management in the sphere of private business. Their wide work knowledge in the field of personnel choice and the support of their network partners will be the best help for you in the process of constructive co-operation while solving your problems.
We surely find the time for private and fruitful conversation for you to inform us of your demands to the vacancy. After we have the list of your demands and after development of the designed profile, we begin the searching process. Using different recruiting channels along with the our data of applicants, we provide you with the suitable profiles. We provide you with the said profiles and follow the choice process in the whole, besides, we may negotiate for the rate of wages.
HR Controlling
HR-management focused on upgrading
HR-Controlling is a branch of KVP Consulting Company that unites quantity and quality management in limits of human resources and is aimed major to optimization of production process.
We support our customers in the spheres of HR-controlling and undertake the personnel management with consequent economical analysis. In accordance to your desire, we discover merits and flaws of your personnel management at the present moment, and level it, upgrading the quality.
Particular significance at this activities sphere is made on the enterprises using employee leasing (occasional employment) as a tool of personnel management for their profit. In such a case, we are aimed at management of purchasing and personnel management process of our customers. We identificate the optimization potential and make the efficiency and economy markup prior to anything else.
Depending on the consumers’ situation we carry out quantity and quality analysis of modern vendor structure taking into account specific labour and scheduled background situation, besides we analyze the conception, coordination, evaluation of tendering procedure along with completion your enterprise structure with the results of the abovementioned research.
Additional advantage of KVP Consulting Company in comparison with the other consulting companies in the sphere of outer recruiting is notable experience and knowledge of our experts. They possess wide knowledge of insider, which is the result of many-years’ professional and consulting activities along with all necessary professional and methodological skills.
Загружено переводчиком: Белик Екатерина Валерьевна Биржа переводов 01
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