Диплом просмотров: 2328
The present Diploma
is to be recognized as
the document of state higher education
Registration number 567
The Russian Federation
Moscow Banking Institute
AK 0036246
By the decision of State attestation commission dated
January 19, 1999
was conferred the
Qualification of
majoring in
/ Chairman of the State
attestation commission -signature- N.V. Vlasov
Director -signature- N.R. Geronina
Secretary -signature- S.V. Barbashova
Seal: Moscow, Non-state educational institution, State registration Nr. 72081,
Moscow Banking Institute , 1
Russian Federation
The falsification of diploma
is punishable by Law
Total bound,
numbered and sealed 3 (three) lists
Notary -signature-
Seal: Notary of Moscow Arbicova Ju. G.
City of Moscow.
August seven two thousand fourteen.
I, Arbicova Julia Gennadiyevna, Notary of Moscow, hereby certify this to be a complete, exact and true copy of the original document. In the latter no erasures, additions, crossed out words and other unspecified corrections or any peculiarities have been found.
The Notary has explained to the person who applied for notarial certification, that the certification of a copy of the document does not certify that the primary document is genuine and authentic.
Entered into the register under the number № ХХХХХ
Fee in the amount of 360 rub. 00 kop. inkl. tech. service charged
Notary –signature-
Seal: Notary of Moscow Arbicova Yu. G.
Перевод выполнен переводчиком
Железняк Анной Эдуардовной
Железняк Анна Эдуардовна
Authorized translation from Russian to
English language of the attached document
I, Zheleznyak Anna Eduardovna, passport № XX XXXX, Primary State Registration number (PSRN) 306770000375120, acting in the capacity of authorized Translator for English language, declare under penalty of perjury and under the laws of the Russian Federation, that I understand the English language and the Russian language; that I hold the state Diploma of higher education for translation from English to Russian and versus; and that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the statements in the English language in the attached translation, which I have initialed on August 07, 2014, have the same meanings as the statements in the Russian language in the original document, a copy of which I have examined.
Moscow, the Russian Federation
August 07, 2014