РЕШЕНИЕ Единственного акционера Закрытого акционерного общества «XXX» просмотров: 3313
Obligations on primary loan (credit) repayment;
Obligations to pay the loan interest and other payments under the Facility Agreement;
Obligations to pay any forfeit penalty;
Legal and other costs of the Pledge Holder related to exercise of rights under the Facility Agreement and the Agreement;
Refund of credit sum under the Facility Agreement and of interests on money had and received, accrued in accordance with Art. 395 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, with the invalidity of the Facility Agreement or the recognition of the Facility Agreement to be invalid, not entered into.
2.3 The Pledger has read and understood all the terms of the Facility Agreement and agrees to be responsible for the performance of all obligations of the Borrower under the Facility Agreement by the Subject of pledge, including the following conditions:
2.3.1 Amount of loan (credit line limit): 000 000 000 (xxx billion) roubles 00 kopeck;
The loan to be issued on "00" of October 2016 (inclusive) (availability termination date). In case if on "00" of October 2016 the credit line will be used by the Borrower not fully, the free credit line limit is canceled.
2.3.2 Credit payment period: “00” of October 2017.
Credit repayment procedure is carried out in accordance with the following schedule: ...
2.3.4 Interest payment procedure: interest shall be paid on a monthly basis on "00" date of each calendar month and on the date of full repayment of the loan referred to in cl. 1.1 of the Facility Agreement, or on the date of full repayment of the loan, if carried out previously as specified in cl. 1.1 of the Facility Agreement, upon condition of drawdown of the credit line limit in full and/or after the date of end of the period of availability, in the amount of accrued interest on specified dates (inclusive).
In case of delayed loan repayment (arrears) the loan amount outstanding shall not accrue any interest from the date following the date of repayment of the respective loan amount established by cl. 6.1 of the Facility Agreement (inclusive). ...
Загружено переводчиком: Руснак Кристина Викторовна Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: Резолюция