Инвестиции в Forex просмотров: 1029
Какие возможности дает страхование убытков инвестиций в Forex? - позволяет не отвлекать из оборота компании значительные денежные средства; - позволяет продать валюту, которая будет получена в будущем.
| What opportunities does insurance against losses of investment in Forex provide? (How one can benefit from insuring against losses of investments in Forex?) Funds as well as revenue receivable and expenses payable are exposed to currency risk. Normally accounting treatment in a company is performed in some unified currency (e.g. US Dollar), therefore revaluation of B/S items in foreign currency can lead to probable profit or loss in accordance with currency rates changes. Currency risk hedging is the protection of funds against unfavourable currency rates fluctuations executed by virtue of fixing funds present vale when closing deals on the FX market. Hedging results in company having no risk of currency rates fluctuations, which enables the company to plan its activity and foresee financial results not distorted by currency exchange fluctuations, to quote prices for its products, to calculate profit, salary etc. Hedging currency risks using transactions with no actual cash flow (with resort to leverage) generates following opportunities:
- Not to withdraw material funds from the company turnover; - To sell foreign currency receivable in the future.
Two major types of hedging can be pointed out: buyer hedging or seller hedging. Buyer hedging serves the purpose of mitigating risks related to probable increase of the product price. Seller hedging is applied in the opposite situation – to limit risks attributable to probable reduction in the product price.