
Лучшее из переведенного

Текст стр. 2 по нефтегазовой отрасли, переведенный с рус. на англ. язык просмотров: 1215

Mobilization and preliminary construction period. Demobilization

Mobilization period involves an execution of the following major works in preparation for the construction:

mobilization of ships, machines, and mechanisms;

solution of issues on the organization of work in shifts;

exploring and preparation of areas for material storage;

solution of issues on the organization of transportation of engineering, equipment, and materials;

work organization of ships;

work organization of transport subdivisions;

organization of supporting centres for the repair of engineering, motor transport, and equipment;

relocation of the main and auxiliary ships in the region of construction.

Ships carrying out works on the burying of line and filling of protective riprap will be mobilized from the area of Singapore, where they will be bound to the port of Korsakov for customs clearance. After that, ships will put to the Strait of Tartary. Diving ship and auxiliary ships will be mobilized in the port of Korsakov.

During the preliminary survey will be compiled profile of the seabed and studied configuration of the overwintered trench and pipeline before rock landfilling. In conducting of the preliminary survey will be used model data of designed protection. The results of this survey will form the basis for the plan preparation of rock landfilling and (or) burying of line.

After acceptance of work on site by Customer’s inspector who is aboard of “Jan Steen” ship, all of the party on arrangement of the offshore pipeline protection is bound to Korsakov for demobilization or area of Chayvo – “Orlan” platform for performance of further tasks.

- 0 +    дата: 28 марта 2015

   Загружено переводчиком: Алинов Алибек Нурланович Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: https://e.mail.ru/attaches-viewer/?x-email=bek_2_ali%40mail.ru&offset=0%3B4&id=14275378510000000770&_av=14275378510000000770%3B0%3B4