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Психология просмотров: 1077



You may have noticed that look in eyes sometimes causes slight awkwardness between people? The mechanism of evaluation and self-evaluation happens.  The person feels like he is being evaluate and he is being evaluate right this very second and this evaluation happens so unmediated! And he can’t cope with this situation, this psychological tension and looks away. This fear of straight look initially has biological nature. In the animal world this straight look had two meanings. The first is aggression and challenge, for example, two males measuring mutual power and their mutual rank with their eyes. And the second is sexual attraction in relation to male and female when the look performed preliminary and qualifying for sex games function.  Aggression and attraction are also typical for human being but because of more sensitive nature, a lot of shades and tones were added.  For an attentive person the eyes of his interlocutor can tell him a lot. If interlocutor hides his eyes it reveals his lack of confidence before people and the fear of the situation because actually it’s an option of leaving, escaping from the attention of other people. Hiding your look you, unwillingly, tell others that you don’t feel comfortable looking people in the eyes. And this again can be interpreted as your weakness and uncertainty. Straight look though into the eyes but fussy and running will create an impression that you can’t withstand the gaze of other people and also spoils opinion of you.

- 0 +    дата: 3 апреля 2015

   Загружено переводчиком: Еременко Владислав Васильевич Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский