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Modeling of the production technology of high-dense copper from a porous fibrous billet просмотров: 969

Полный текст статьи доступен по адресу: http://mme.iitm.ac.in/murty/misc/files/pdf-yearwise/Misc/Transaction_34-2008.pdf#page=40 




Prof. LyudmilaRyabicheva, Mr Dmytro Usatyuk

Department of Material Science, East Ukrainian Volodymir Dal National University,

Molodiozhny block, 20a, Lugansk, 91034, Ukraine


AbstractIn this paper the production technology of high-dense copper from a porous fibrous billet by hot extrusion is presented. The influence of thermal and strain rate deforming conditions and reduction ratio to the density and, also, strength and plasticity characteristics of material investigated. The optimal reduction ratio for complete consolidation of fibres was found. The improvement in quality of wares was shown as a result of implementation of compensator on the upper end of the billet. The dependences for determination of the deforming force and geometrical dimensions of compensator for extrusion of porous fibrous billet were developed. It was proved experimentally that physico-mechanical properties of copper obtained by using of the proposed technology correspond to the properties of cast copper.


1. Introduction

The large amount of wastes from copper current conductors are arising in the electrical industry annually. Recycling of these wastes by conventional technologies consists of production of clean standard copper ingots by remelting. At the same time the powder metallurgy techniques allow to use these wastes for making the copper wares from discrete materials. The researches has shown a possibility of production of high-dense copper by combination of hot and cold deforming operations [1]. However, the existing technology did not allow to obtain the finished goods like rods that can be used as billets for further processing.

Determination of the optimal technological parameters and shape of billet is of great importance during computer modeling and experimental research of extrusion of a porous billet made from fibers with the diameter of 0.4-1.3 mm and length of 1‑10 mm fabricated by recycling of wastes of copper current conductors for production of high-dense and durable material.





The numerical simulation has been performed for extrusion of porous fibrous billet. The distribution of hydrostatic pressure and density throughout a section of rod has been investigated. The optimal reduction ratio that ensures complete consolidation of fibres was found. The improvement in quality of wares has shown as a result of implementation of compensator on the upper end of the billet. The dependences have been obtained for determination of the deforming force and geometrical dimensions of compensator for extrusion of porous fibrous billet. The new technology for production of high-dense copper material like rod from wastes of current conductors proposed. The mechanical properties of material produced by new technology correspond to the properties of cast copper.






1. L.A. Ryabicheva, A.T. Tsyrkin, A.P. Sklyar, “Technology and properties of copper, produced from fibers”, Powder Metallurgy and Metal Ceramics, Vol. 1, pp 50-56 (2008).


2. L.A. Ryabicheva, D.A. Usatyuk “Using of finite element method and Lyapunov’s functions for investigation of hot forging”, MTM’06 International Industrial Conference Proceedings, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp 67-70 (2006).


3. L. Ryabicheva, D. Usatyuk, “Numerical Simulation and Forecasting of Mechanical Properties for Multi-Component Nonferrous Dispersion-Hardened Powder Materials”, Materials Science Forum, Vols. 534-536, pp 397 – 400 (2007).


4. J.O. Hallquist, LS-DYNA Theoretical Manual, Livermore Software Technology Corporation,  pp. 250-300 (2006).


5. E.G. Thomsen, C.T. Yang, S. Kobayashi Mechanics of plastic deformation in metal processing, The Macmillan company,New York, p 504 (1967).

6. LS-DYNA Keyword User’s Manual version 971, Livermore Software Technology Corporation, pp 500-600 (2007).

- 0 +    дата: 15 апреля 2015

   Загружено переводчиком: Усатюк Дмитрий Андреевич Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: http://mme.iitm.ac.in/murty/misc/files/pdf-yearwise/Misc/Transaction_34-2008.pdf#page=40