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Trip around the Jerusalem starts in the morning, with rising to an observation desk at the top of Mount Olivet (or Mount of Olives).  The most impressive city view opens from this place. You will be able to see the Temple Mount and beside it two of famous Jerusalem’s mosques – the Al-Aqsa Mosque which has a grey cupola, and the Dome of the Rock, with a golden one.

The old city amazes with its antique beauty. The most part of the central districts, including the Church of the Holy Sepulchre can be seeing from the top of the Mount of Olives. After you enjoy the Jerusalem’s view you will go to the bottom of the mount: where the oil mill of Gat Šmānê, later called Gethsemane, once was. You can visit the Garden of Gethsemane, where the Christ's agony took place, and where he was arrested. 

Next stop of the tour is Church of All Nations, one of the most beautiful churches in Israel. Modern building stands on the ruins of the ancient temples. This church’s project was created in 1925 by famous architect Antonio Barluzzi. The blue-colored semidarkness prevails inside of the church and reflects the atmosphere of the night Jesus was arrested. The stone enshrined at the altar is the one Jesus prayed at. There is a complete silence in the chapel, because you it’s allowed to take pictures here, but it’s forbidden to talk inside.    

Church of the Sepulchre of Saint Mary is overby. But this church is situated underground. On your way to the sacred place, the place where Mary’s body laid before the resurrection you will follow the stairs worn by the thousands of feet. In the bema of the church the Jerusalem icon of the Mother of God is placed and it’s allowed to touch it. Nearby is the grotto where Twelve Apostles fell asleep after the Last Supper.

“Jerusalem – the city of three religions” is the only tour the can take you to the Temple Mount – the place that is believed to be sacred for the Christians. At this mount Jesus expel money changers from the Temple; here is also a place where the remains of the Second Temple are. At the Temple Mount the most important Moslem sacred places are situated. Al-Aqsa is the only Moslem mosque in the Holy Land and Moresque Qubbat As-Sakhrah (the Dome of the Rock) topped with its golden cupola.  
After going down the Temple Mount you will go to the Wailing Wall. This is a sacred site for Jews and the wall is the only reminder of the Second Temple. During the past decades in the Jerusalem it’s become a tradition to leave the notes with your wishes inside of the Western Wall, and you also will be able to do so.  

The second part of the tour around Jerusalem starts with visiting the Jewish quarter in the old city and a Mount Zion. The tomb of King David still preserved on Mount Zion has huge stone sarcophagus, covered with drapery, embroidered with crowns, harps, and other symbols of the Prophet and the Psalmist. Another important place on the Mount Zion is the Cenacle. That’s the place where the New Testament was made and the Twelve Apostles were named so. In the Jewish quarter you will walk along the cardo, the main street of the Roman Jerusalem, found by archaeologists, and will be able to see the main synagogue of the quarter, restored recently.
The final act of the tour is the visit to the Church of the Holy Sepulchre.

- 0 +    дата: 1 июля 2015

   Загружено переводчиком: Ольга Владимировна Рогожникова Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: http://taxiemun.com/excursion/16