
Лучшее из переведенного

Рекомендательное письмо просмотров: 1055

Letter of Recommendation


We recommend Vitaly Igorevich Potseluev who held the position of project manager on implementing SAP ERP in financial unit of our company in from 03/30/2009 to 09/28/2012.

For the time of his work he approved himself as honest, talented, highly-skilled specialist and experienced leader.

Thanks to him, the company succeeded to move to a new level in document control and innovation processes related to SAP for company business units.

Mr. Potseluev was able to provide document management new principles education for employees and in his own person prepared a number of guidance manuals which are used by employees on a daily basis.

Among personal skills and business qualities of Mr. Potseluev, I would like to mark commitment, proactiveness, and ability to be not only smart and competent realizer but also to efficiently manage new design choices and function commands.

He is intelligent and able to represent company both on business meetings and specialist conference.

Also I would like to note that Mr. Potseluev is the author of the exclusive Russian book “SAP HR. Side-view” about implementing SAP HCM solutions which was published in edition of 500 copies by publisher Expert RP Ltd.

In our opinion, Vitaly Igorevich Potseluev is worthy candidate for a wide range of management positions in IT functional area.


Senior manager

Personnel Management Department

Severstal-SSC LLC                                                        Schmakova Tatyana    


Phone: 8(915)91719785



Severstal SSC LLC                                  T: +7 (4852) 58 43 75

Uglichskaya st. 39                                    F: +7 (4852) 58 43 76


150047, Russia                                         www.severstal.ru


ITN 7604162536 IEC 760401001 PSRN 1097604013781

Current account 40702810600001004647 in ING Bank (Eurasia) JSC

Correspondent account 30101810500000000222 BIC 044525222

- 0 +    дата: 15 июня 2016

   Загружено переводчиком: Иванов Владимир Викторович Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: https://new.vk.com/doc14180509_437615977