Ткаличенко просмотров: 1068
In the process of project “Adaptation of SAP HRM in PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih”, the project OneHRIS Ukraine (OneHRISUA)” realization Financial Decisions Department of PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih” was tasked to adjust payroll accounting processes and to conduct wage items into the General Ledger.
Considering the facts that:
- This utility was a brand new both for me and for colleagues of my department;
- Realization of the process presumed using of 2 systems (HR – for payroll management=>Passing data through RFC=> ERP – for full disclosure of financial results),
I decided to have recourse to a mentor, more experienced specialist in my area.
Earlier in cases of this area content research many people noticed the information which was sharp and clearly developed by Vitaly Potseluev. I didn`t find nowhere else more simple and clear explaining of complex adjustment and logic of HCM capabilities. Such fact directed me to ask this consultant to provide training.
I must say that I have never regretted my choice.
Despite the fact that at the moment of providing training Vitaly was in the USA and I was in Ukraine (what means 11 hours time lag), he didn`t refuse aid to me and managed to hold our lessons by acceptable way (using Skype).
During providing training Vitaly managed not only to simply explain technicality and methodological aspect of HCM adjustment and show brilliant knowledge of the topical area but also to use real-life situations and reinforce developed information with case stories.
In the whole, the total duration of lessons was more than 20 clock hours under which complex drills were jointly analyzed, system functionality was studied, and options of adjustment for possible business needs changes were analyzed.
I can estimate this consultant as a mentor with top mark.
I also can recommend Vitaly Potseluev for providing training courses both for SAP-consultants and end-user.
Chief of Financial Decisions Department Elena Tkalichenko
SAP Competence Center (FI/CO),
IT Department 05/05/2016
PJSC “ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih”
Contacts: Elena.Tkalichenko@arcelormittal.com,
T. +3805649 971 10 M +380 67 66 46 158
Загружено переводчиком: Иванов Владимир Викторович Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: https://new.vk.com/doc14180509_437615968