Текст для каталога икон альманаха "Божий храм" издательства "Коломенская верста" просмотров: 967
1. Christ in Crown of Thorns (Man of Sorrows), 25 x 21 cm, egg tempera on chalk ground, leaf gold, enamel imitation, pearls, artificial gems, private collection, Moscow, 2011
2. Archangel Gabriel (Angel of Golden Hair), 31 x 27 cm, egg tempera on chalk ground, private collection, Moscow, 2011
3. Christ Almighty (Pantokrator), 28 x 24 cm, egg tempera on chalk ground, leaf gold, engraving, turquoise, pearls, private collection, Moscow, 2012
4. St. Stylianos of Paphlagonia, 36 x 28 cm, egg tempera on chalk ground, private collection, Moscow, 2012
Xenia Rouminsky (correctly pronounced in Russian as Rumynskaya) has been painting icons professionally since 2007. Although her works can be found in several churches of Moscow and Moscow Region, she tends to smaller forms working mostly for private collectors and home altars. The most notable of her icons made for lithurgical purposes being an original icon of St. Archimandrite Mitrophan of Voronezh created after several prototypes is kept in the sacristy of the Temple of St. Constantine and St. Helen in Moscow, where a shrine with relics of Saint Mitrophan was attached to it.
Xenia sees the main goal of her work in giving life to new images of the Divine bringing them to the board as they intend it themselves, without any personal interference. To do so, she has studied various historical styles and traditions analysing their means of expression and technical backgrounds, trying to understand the unchangeable aspects of representation. The artistic manner of her own may be described as the classical Moscow style of XIV-XVI centuries noticeably influenced by the ancient Byzantine schools.
Save for some obvious exceptions concerning only ornamentation and not the painting itself, she uses traditional natural materials, such as a wide variety of mineral pigments, yolk emulsion, chalk ground over canvas, wooden boards, linseed oil, leaf gold.
Tel. +7 926 160 4615
+7 926 203 4028
E-mail: rum_x@mail.ru
Web: http://icons.gallery.ru
Загружено переводчиком: Румынский Вадим Владимирович Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: http://www.versta-k.ru/catalog/59/