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симулятор FIFA - тактика, стратегия и психология просмотров: 1092

The FIFA simulator - tactics, strategy and psychology


Hello, the football Fan!

This very foreword is aimed to justify the subject matter of this website and its peculiarities in order that you, dear visitor, figure out instantly what is it all about, and if it seems boring, you won’t spend both your precious time and money.

This website is dedicated to the FIFA simulator. Each year they launch a brand new version that’s why every article here is devoted to the current one. Your faithful servant has been a great fan of the FIFA game since 1998, when they launched the FIFA 98: Road to World Cup. Since then this football simulator has been a part of my personality, I was always eager to achieve perfection in playing, to show greater results beyond both like-minded people and rivals. Growing up, I concluded that mastering this game, the gamepad, its tricks and other technical elements is not enough. Mastering the keyboard takes time, any experienced gamer is likely to use the keyboard automatically. As in real football, the tactics is the key point, which helps to achieve great results along with the technique.

Browsing this site, you won’t find any tips for beginners, on how to win the FIFA tournament and the like. This information can easily be found on other sites. But this very project is aimed to develop the player’s mind, to build up the adequate perception of the process, to assist in searching for relevant ways to create one’s own game model. This can be put into practice by analytic articles, thoughts on the past games brought up both by myself and visitors. The resource data is great enough, as I personally spend plenty of time playing online every evening after work and family matters. Moreover I’ll assist everyone at sharing tips and tricks concerning our favourite game. It’ll be great pleasure for me to find such game analysts.

I’d like to point out beforehand I’m not facing myself as the best FIFA player in the world; moreover my 11th place in online rating leaves much to be desired. Nevertheless, perfection and pleasure of the game process is my aim – that‘s what I wish to any visitor. Everyone is free to comment, to share opinions and experience on the given topic.


- 0 +    дата: 6 июня 2018

   Загружено переводчиком: Мария Андреевна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: www.fifafifa.com