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Welcome to bikesurfing.ru

  • Are you eager to conquer your Everest?

  • Only for those strong in mind and body. Entertainment not for the poor

  • Amateur bikesurfing federation invites you to take part in the first storm race 

  • Enjoying the warm Atlantic with a water craft - there is a route still covered by none.

Dear Sirs!

We are honored to submit a new extreme project to you, devised and designed by sportsmen from Saint-Petersburg. Just three hours away from European summer, onCape VerdeIslandswill the winter storm water craft race occur. The archipelago picked up for the race is unique due to its climate, hurricane absence, warm waters of Gulfstream and frequent Atlantic storms.  As well as - opposed to the rest of the African countries - ardent Catholicism, friendly attitude to the white on part of native Creoles and zero crime rate. 

If you don’t feel like a beach holiday, accompanied by daily beer and family romance, if you miss sport activities, if you are in need of adrenaline overdose, anxious to have a comfortable holiday surrounded by surfing-mates. If you are really a man of action - visit our website bikesurfing.ru.  Considering the shortage of analogs we took the liberty of devising this name for the new sports entertainment. 

The race will be held December 2011 through February 2012. The two-week tour price, including comfortable accommodation, meals, flight and Race ticket is 8.500 Euro.  In case you feel like coming with a support group all the additional costs will consist just in additional plane tickets.

Praia Grande beach

The three-day Race of six islands will by started at the most beautiful and at the same time wildestbeachofSão Vicenteisland - the Praia Grande beach. The race includes overnight stay on an uninhabited island, visiting ever-green mountains and canyons of Santo Antão island and long passage to São Nicolau island; this is the type of race where your performance depends on such traits as reliability, solidarity and teamwork capacity - such an event can leave the brightest memories of Your life.   Comfort should be for a while swapped for hazards and hard labor though.  But the purpose remains the same - to cover the route still uncovered. Or others may come…

We invite both water craft pros and beginners, who might have seen PWCs at a distance.  Your leisure will be mostly dedicated to trainings and practicing tricks for the forthcoming race straight at the stormy bay of the Praia Grande beach. Beginners should master the basic techniques of jumps and u-turns, learn to work as team on speedy route and prove their physical readiness for the race. While expecting the race storm experienced sportsmen may enjoy bay waves and anticipation of challenging the elements. 

The safety is ensured by mandatory ten-day trainings with instructors, availability of 300 brand-new Japanese PWCs as well as additional rescue facilities such as helicopter and motor-boat.

The feeling of control over the wave, ability to outrun or even ride it, ability to struggle out of the dangerous stadium-sized thing, skills in jumps and tricks that can be learnt within several days, the feeling of fighting and finally subduing the elements - such emotions are beyond anything in the world.

See you at the dark side of the Praia Grande beach!

Oleg Ivanov
The Director of Armature Bikesurfing Federation, Cape Verde Islands.

- 2 +    дата: 6 августа 2012

   Загружено переводчиком: Абрамкин Михаил Александрович Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: http://www.bikesurfing.ru/