
Лучшее из переведенного

Успешная защита проекта актуализированной рабочей программы доцента кафедры романской филологии ФИЯ СГСПУ на курсах повышения квалификации АНО ВО «Университет Иннополис» просмотров: 150

Successful project defense of the up-to-date operation program of Assistant Professor of Romance Philology, Department of Foreign languages SGSPU in upgrade training courses ANO «Innopolis University»

Within this program, trainees were introduced to the goals and objectives and excepted outcomes of the National program «Staff members for digital economy», explored the use of digital technology in education and teaching of profile disciplines as a whole.

Nabok.Yu.V.: This upgrading program has made it possible to take a fresh look at the use of digital technology in disciplines of methodical cycle.

Under the upgrading program, I worked to update Operation program on «Methods of early teaching foreign languages» discipline.

Informative content which is represented on educational platform of «Innopolis University», cognitive webinars with our group moderator Vidiaev Igor Gennadievich and effective feedback helped me a lot in preparing the draft of the up-to-dated operation program and made it possible to perform successfully on the public defense which was held on 19 November 2021.

Nabok.Yu.V’work has been highly appreciated by expert commission as evidenced in gratitude from the Minister of Digital Development, Communications and Mass Communications of the Russian Federation Shadaev.M.I., letter of thanks «Innopolis University» and certificate of graduation for the quality of the up-to-dated program(Digital Innopolis Days 2021).

The Department of Romance Philology congratulates Yuliya Valerievna on successful completion of the upgrade training courses ANO «Innopolis University»!

Certainly, an experience of updating operation program in the light of the use of digital technology is very important to all disciplines today.

We hope that successful experience of our colleague will inspire and motivate other members of the Department to participate in the project.


- 0 +    дата: 17 октября 2022

   Загружено переводчиком: Горячкина Кристина Вячеславовна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: английский