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«Сбербанк» запустил новую краудсорсинговую платформу просмотров: 1841

Sberbank has launched a crowdsourcing platform

Sberbank announced the launch of a new, permanent crowdsourcing platform Sberbank Crowdsourcing. The site is designed to solve business problems that are important for the bank and its customers, and is available to all Internet users. In addition, it provides for the development of communities where Sberbank's units place targeted requests to address urgent problems.

Sberbank Crowdsourcing is not the first experience of Sberbank in crowdsourcing.

An internal crowdsourcing project Ideas Exchange has been working within the bank since 2009. Each employee of Sberbank can offer ideas for improving the work of the bank. The ideas are discussed by bank's experts and the most interesting ones are accepted for implementation, and their owners are paid a fee.

There are about 200K registered users on the Exchange of Ideas and it is 80% of the Bank's staff. The Exchange has collected more than 110K offers. When placing offers, employees describe the essence of the issue in detail and indicate projected saving rate. In addition, the Bank holds regular competitions to stimulate innovation.

Sberbank opened a new chapter in innovation in 2012. Sberbank crowdsourcing is a national project, which invites both staff and customers and people who care to take part in the project.

- 0 +    дата: 27 августа 2012

   Загружено переводчиком: Воронин Максим Сергеевич Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: http://www.venture-news.ru/