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Everyone say out loud boldly across this entire room and everywhere else, we were linked on live stream in your lounge, wherever you are, say this boldly together: „It's coming back!“. I love it. I love it. Certain things you never talk about in public. That's the way people have been brought up, especially in days gone by, you never talked about sex.

Yeah, you never talked about politics, uh, and you never talked about money. And so in deference to that today, I'm not going to speak about sex and I'm not going to speak about politics.

But I'm excited to talk about money and the kingdom of God. And God's heart for money and what the word of God says about your money. And so maybe you already said: „Well, I don't care about money. I didn't come to church to hear about money.“ And it affects everybody trying to get ahead, have to pay the rent, get the kids through school, spend money on uniforms, something for the canteen.

So that your kids keep up with all the other kids. Yeah. It's a part of life. Whether we want it to be or not, it's a part of life and I watch people just wanting to get ahead. Good people just trying to provide for their family. They just want to have the means to live a reasonable life.

And so it does affect us. Whether we like it or not to say „you don't care about money“ is kind of a weird thing to say. You may say: „I'm not ruled by money“. That's a good thing to say. You might say „I'm not controlled by money“ or that you don't love money. That's a good thing to say. But you can't get away from the fact that it affects our everyday lives.

And that's why it's important that at times we speak about it and teach about it. People are always looking for ways of wealth creation. Whether its presidents and prime ministers and trying to improve the plight of their people and better their economy and bring prosperity to their land, all the way through to where, like we have as the church at times, got involved in micro enterprise. Micro meaning tiny enterprise, tiny business, a small business.

In impoverished countries, helping people who have no way forward to set up a small business where perhaps they're given fishing net or fishing equipment, or perhaps they're given a sewing machine or some other form or rickshaw where they can begin with their small business. And I think that's wonderful, but with the mentality, some Christians have towards God and money, it's kind of weird, cause we want to help hurted people and poor people.

But imagine if one of those poor people was an entrepreneur and got creative and they got their first little business that first rickshaw, that first sewing machine. And they decided that they were going to be a good steward. And all of a sudden they buy a second one and a third one. And before you know it, they've got a fleet of rickshaws and they're employing people and they're actually providing a way for other people and they begin to flourish.

They begin to prosper. You know, a lot of Christians would think it's good to help a person who's poor, but somehow would have an issue with someone becoming wealthy and be blessed. And it makes no real sense to me, but sometimes that's the way we think. And so it comes into all of us, and Jesus had a lot to say about money.

He really did, but every time Jesus talked about money, it was never about money. It was always about trust. And a great question for you when it comes to your money is: „Do you trust?“ You see, I began by saying and encourage you to say: „It's coming back!” I have this faith in my heart that our church is moving into a season where there's going to be a revival in people's finances, in your personal finances, that is like God is going to bring.

And there'll be testimonies and stories of miracles in people's financials, unexpected miracles, things coming from where you couldn't have imagined whether there'll be promotion, supernatural jobs, and God will give you extra clients or extra contracts when it comes to your business, or you'll get that promotion that you never believed would come your way.

Well, God had open windows of opportunity or other things will come your way. I want you to get excited about this because I believe that God is going to bring revival to people's finances. And I believe that what the locust and the cankerworm has eaten, it's coming back. God is going to restore you just like Job. Job lived just about two years of his life where he lost everything.

Absolutely everything, including his family, his livelihood, his livestock, his health, everything. That was only two years of his life. He spent 120 years of his life prosperous and after he learned the lessons God had for him. Not only did God restore what he had lost, but of course it came back in double proportion.

He had a revival and revival in all of those wonderful things where God brought restoration to his love. Could you believe, can you actually believe that God would want to bring a revival to your finances? Do you care that God would want to bring a revival to your finances, I wonder.


In the gospel of Mathew the subject of money is talked about more than twice as much as any other subject. Just in case you think it's not biblical, it’s not in the Bible, there are over 300 words in the Bible that can be translated „prosperity“, 300 different words. And those 300 words are used, listen to it, 15,420 times. So 300 words, meaning fruitfullness or prosperity mentioned 15,420 times.

There's 1,329 references in the Law, the 375 references by Jesus, 200 references by the apostle Paul. And so the Bible has plenty to say on the subject of economy, and money, and giving and receiving. Well, listen, this is interesting. There's 194 references to riches. One hundred and ninety four, ninety seven of them are in a positive light.

The other 97, literally 50 50, are warnings. Warnings about the dangers of riches and what it can do to people's hearts, and how it can separate families, and how money can end up being a diabolical enemy to people rather than a friend. In other words, you've got to teach about it in a balanced way, and I'll tell you this, and I want you to think about it.

Reactionary theology will always lead to error. You want to hear that again? Reactionary theory. You saw someone preaching, manipulating people with stupid teachings about prosperity. That was really about greed and how many planes I've gotten, how many Rolls-Royces. And you've seen that. And so what do you do? Instead of staying in the middle of the road, you tend to drive into the ditch on the edge of the road.

And so people drive from the ditch here, which is really, really maybe excess greed. Teaching people things, raising monies, and why you see what tele evangelists, especially in other countries, you see it, and it makes you naughtiest to see the dust, but then there's people over this ditch and they have this whole idea, that or somehow, they glorify lack. And there is nothing positive about lack.

There is nothing positive about lack. And so they glorify lack. And because they're content with their little world, they don't even maybe have a passion for people feel the need to bless or help, or to make a difference that that's just not even in the more perhaps they just can't see themselves as anything else but a battler.


Life’s a battle. It's just the way it is. I was born into this kind of family. It is my life. I can't change it. Ditch here, ditch there. Reactionary theology, reactionary doctrine will always lead to error. And so do you care about money and what God even wants you to care about money as a Christian? And do you believe that God can actually sanctify your money, make it holy?

I absolutely believe that He can. And you will, if you live your life by biblical principle and understand the power of trusting God. Listen to Deuteronomy. Deuteronomy is obviously filled with the Lord and filled with promises. And some of those promises for God's people were promises of blessing.


Look at the verse. It's in Deuteronomy, chapter 8, verse 18, and you shall remember the Lord, your God, for it is He, from Him, who gives you, to you, the power to get well, that he may establish His covenant. So God gives you the power, the idea, the thought, the opportunity, the opening, he gives you the power to get wealth, so that His covenant. In other words, „I'm bringing it through you, but it's for my purposes“. So that His covenant, His will could be established on.


Imagine a whole church who decided to lean into the idea of believing God to bless us, so we can lean into the idea of sowing into the will of God, that his will be established on the earth. Man, if a whole church could get a hold of that. And that's why I want to speak into your life with faith in my heart and boldness in the spirit. I want to speak and encourage you to have an expectation that God is bringing blessing your way, that he's bringing it your way.

We are the sons and daughters of Abraham. We are God's people. We are God's children, which means that the blessing of Abraham is our inheritance and the old Testament promises like that one, that God would give them the power to get well, that His covenant may be established. Jesus never changed them. What he did with the Lord and with the promises, Jesus, He didn't change them.

He didn't get rid of them. He perfected them. And a perfect example is the sermon on the Mount and especially the beatitudes because rarely it's Jesus' perfected version of the laws and the principles in Deuteronomy, and there's a big difference there. And the difference is the motivation. You say, instead of this being a law I have to do, it’s religious obligation.

Instead of it being external behavior, it becomes internal transformation. Jesus is saying, this is what you've heard eye for an eye, tooth for tooth, but this is what I say turn the other changed. He perfected the idea. And if you think about that, when it comes to giving, and when it comes to finances, those old Testament promises are exactly the building blocks of what the new Testament promises are established.


And so I still believe today that God wants to bless his people and he wants to bless you for purposes beyond yourself. He wants to bless you for kingdom purpose. I believe he doesn't want you to live in devastation and your finances just living this power off bankruptcy, still trying to overcome how you were plundered during the divorce.

I mean, trust God, understand the God is true to His word. Trust Him. Make it a matter of your heart and just see how God can bring blessing into your life. Just some points about money. One is we all know money is temporary. You can't take it with you, but you can send it ahead of you. And those of you who have already given this week, you're not going to be taking it with you, that it's already working in eternity on your behalf, might be the difference when it comes to the work of the gospel.

Even if you can’t take it with you, start sending it ahead of you. Start lay up all treasures in heaven. And let's believe it, let's catch it, let's have the same expectation. The Bible says it's hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven. It’s how for a rich man, when he tries to use his riches as his badge, as a certificate, to get them into heaven.


A rich young ruler, he had three things that made him here. First, he was rich. So he was used to having everything he wanted. He was young. And so again, pretty well life revolved around himself. And he was a ruler. He was used to being in charge. And so that's why he struggled. He thought it would be different for him than everyone else.

It's hard for a rich man to get into the kingdom of heaven. But can I tell you when you are part of the kingdom of God. When you are part of the realm of God, I've seen God multiple times bring blessing, bring financial blessing, bring wealth, bring prosperity to Kingdom, spirited people, and seen how they have then been able to raise up their capacity to make a difference to support ministry, to do the work of the Lord.

So, yes, money's not going to get you in there. But if God gives you and sanctifies your money, once you're part of the kingdom, you watch what God can do and you watch what God can do through you. Amen. Laying up treasures in heaven in Jesus name, just watch what God can do. We all know the dangers of the love of money. No money, but the love of it.

And the Bible says it's the root of evil. And it also says that many men have been pierced through with sorrows because they just loved money too much. Often the people who shout the loudest about what somebody else has. They're the people who love money. Either they may not have money, but they get so angry and envious and jealous of what somebody else has.

The person who says, why are you talking about money in church? Excuse me, I don't want to upset anyone, but your issue with money. Yeah, because if you love to give, if you love, if you love the idea of God, blessing, you have your eating this word up here, thinking we need to hear more of this. We need to hear more.

And so it's not the love of money. It's the love of people. When we give to the poor, what are we doing? We're helping needy people. When we tithe we're supporting the work of a ministry, which is helping molded tunes of people learn international scale. When you sow you are sowing maybe into the spread of the gospel.

And you see a harvest of souls, a harvest of people coming into the kingdom of God. If we just keep our love for God and for people, and then believe “Lord, you're bringing it back“, that's coming back. You're going to breathe fresh wind into my finances. Well, we are going to be positioned for all that You called us to do, as we did to live by God's divine economy, which books obviously on giving and receiving.

And I have to tell you, I have to tell you, you can't out-give God, but it doesn't matter what kind of giving I can think of. If I just think of giving. The Bible talks about giving and listen to it. Just, I can't read all the verses. There's far too many. But I'm telling you it's coming back. With the scripture talks in Ecclesiastes, chapter 11, about casting your bread on the waters for you find it in a many days.

Listen to the Message Bible Translation. Be generous, invest in acts of charity, charity yields, high returns. It's coming back. Can I hear you? It's coming back. Charity yields, high returns. Don't hoard your goods, spread them around, be a blessing to others. This will be your last night.


You know, every time in the Bible, every form of giving, whether it is giving, you're giving, the Bible says it'll come down, come back, pressed down, shaken together, running out all over every form of giving you can think of. Like that one in Luke chapter 6 verses 37 and 38. It talks about judgement and says: „Don't judge and you shouldn’t be judged“. It talks about condemning others: „Don't condemn and you shouldn’t be condemned”.

It talks about forgiving and it says: „as you forgive, you'll be forgiven“. It talks about two negatives – judgement and condemnation, one positive - forgiveness and it signs as you give, because the principle is what's coming up. Other people say the scripture is about judgement. It's not, as using an eternal principle.

Just say this will work when you start judging other people. It will work if you condemn other people. It will work if you forgive other people. And this is the principle itself, listen to it. Give this 38: „and you will receive, your gift will return to you in full, pressed down, shaken together, running out all over and poured into your lap.

Amen. The amount you give will determine the amount you get back. The Bible says that's giving, but about sowing I've never heard of a farmer who sowed a crop in a field and said: „Well, I don't want anything back. I just wanted to bless the field.“ Cause he sows to reap a harvest. That's where sowing and reaping works.

You sow, and I can give you the scriptures where it talks about those who give bountiful and it comes back bountifully. And those who don't and hoard, what comes back? Is also don’t. And then if you know it better in the message Bible, the word of the generous gets larger and larger. The word of the stingy gets smaller and smaller.

Hey, I'm excited to give you an injection of faith in your finances. Giving you a brainwash turn into your eye on and turn it upside down and giving you clean of some of that negativity and spiritual religious stuff. That tried to roll you for too long in Jesus name.


And so on sewing, you know what the Bible says „you sow to the spirit you reap of the spirit eternal life, you sow to the flesh, you reap from the flesh corruption“, And it goes on and says: „Let us not grow weary while doing good’. Maybe you have been giving a tithe in a long time and you think well, and you got to kind of weary and you're not pushing yourself anymore. You're not lifting. Am I right?


I’m believing to raise a whole new generation of Kingdom builders and Kingdom entrepreneurs, but I'm also believing for some of the people in our church to get a fresh revelation. We're going to reach for more. We're going to believe God for more, we're going to journal it. We're going to journal that even the small miracles, even the tiny things, all the way up to the incredible supernatural miracles that God is going to bring into our life.

Caring for the poor? Proverbs 19 verse 17. If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord and he will repay it. He what? He will, and that scripture is repeated with words very similar, numbers of times. It's not just one answer. I plucked out that verse with that thought of giving to the Lord, and Him blessing and repaying.

It's repetitive, it's said over and over, and I'll tell you right now, there's a blessing for people who care for the poor. And one of the best ways you can care for the poor is keep sums into your local church. There's a promise attached. Psalm 41 verse 1 and 3: „and blessed is he who considers the poor.

The Lord will deliver him in time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him and keep him alive. And he will be blessed on the earth“. He'll be what? Blessed on the earth. Not blessed in heaven. Blessed on the earth. He will be blessed on the earth. You will not deliver him to the will of the enemies. The Lord will strengthen him on his bed of illness.

You will sustain him. It's coming back! Come on, everybody, say it. It's coming back! One more time. It's coming back! In Jesus' name. Give me a moment as I finished the talk about tithing. Because tithing is different than giving. Tithing is obedience. And tithing is the way of the leader. One Rhema about tithe. One Rhema is better than a boatload of logos.

So logos is what the Bible says. It's the words, you know. God can use its written word, but Rhema is when all of a sudden it comes alive. It's revelationary. God speaks to you through it. And when it comes to giving, when it comes to tithing, you get a rainbow word, it becomes a revelation. Because tithing's not a conclusion of your story.

It's the introduction. It's a stock. You do it in faith. You do it in obedience. You do it cause you trust God. Remember when Jesus talked about money, it was always about trust. You do it from your heart. It's not the old covenant, you know, religious obligation, your heart's in it. You give to what your heart is it.

You love the church. You love the Lord. And so you put your heart in it. Your accountant will tell you, you shouldn't do it. Your financial advisor will tell you, you shouldn't do it. But your heavenly advisor says, this is the way we live our lives. Bring all the tithes into the storehouse ‘that there may be food in my house“.

And then the blessings of tithes, about how pour at such blessing that “will not be the room enough to receive it or rebuke the devourer”. So he's fighting the devil for you, rebuke the devour for your sakes. All nations will call you blessed. It goes on and on and on because you’re deadly trust God.


I believe that we're going to see a Renaissance of tithing in our church, you guys are generous. You guys are good giving, but I'm believing we're going to up the ante together. That we're not just going to rest on our laurels. We're going to up the ante together. And I believe for a church that wants to lean in, and people who say: „I'm up for this, I'm up for this“.

I'm joining the tithing crowd. I'm going to believe God. And I'm going to have an expectation that I'll see the blessing of God working in my life in Jesus tonight. You know what I'm believing for? I’m believing, and I'm serious about this, to raise up a new generation of kingdom entrepreneurs, young people who get a revelation that God has called them to make money for the work of the Lord and to raise up a new generation of social entrepreneurs, in other words, for social justice and social works, and for kingdom entrepreneurs who want to finance the work of the year.


Thank God for our kingdom builders. I believe in them that there's going to be a sense of revival and increases. God breathe freshness into people's finances. And listen, I might be talking bolder than you permit me to talk, for a long time on this subject, but I got it in my spirit.

It's a revelation. I believe it's a prophetic word. And I'm speaking into our church with an expectation that we're going to see. God, bring it to pass in Jesus' name. After all, in Deuteronomy chapter 28, the Bible talks about blessings, „not there to follow you, but overtake you“. That's pretty awesome.


When you're „Oh look at that, I'm being overtaken by my blessings“. That's what all that I couched you, but it all starts through the currency of giving and receiving. So don't give without the expectation to receive, and don't underestimate the various ways that God can enable you. Hey, listen to it. If we could just get us fair to excuse these cliches, his will is his bill.

Think about that. We're going to believe God that we're going to give our money a mission, and we're going to do it together. We're going to give our money a mission. I believe you can bring provision for the vision. I believe God can bring you prosperity with purpose. Purpose been the key word. I believe that God can give you affluence and influence. Influence for the things of God, influence for the kingdom of God.

Imagine that God brings it back. Affluence starts coming your way, but as affluence come, your influence also lift and it’s influence where you can penetrate and make a difference and be a blessing in ways and in areas you never dreamed were possible.


You've heard it. His will is his bill. The money has a mission.The provision for the vision. The prosperity with purpose. Affluence with influence. Blessed to be a blessing, financed and focused, and all these blessings shall come upon you and overtake you in the name of Jesus Christ.


Yes! Yes! Everybody say: “It's coming back!“ One more time, across our entire church. It's coming back! Speak it into your own spirit. Pray it together as couples. Before you go to sleep. Have an expectation so in the work of the Lord. Get the tithes quickly if you haven't been doing it. And we're going to see a revival of people's fortunes in the area of their finances in Jesus’ name. Amen.

- 0 +    дата: 15 марта 2023

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