Results of the research просмотров: 1252
The quantitative and qualitative composition and functional characteristics of the “social bottom” can be regarded as a comprehensive significant life quality indicator of the area, which is closely connected with the level of crimes, immigration appeal, and the range of other socio-demographical processes such as (for example divorces and adaptation of the broken families) the employment rate and the housing problem of the population.
Cognitive component of the public opinion demonstrates the rational assessment of the fact: in the existence and expansion of this “bottom” people tend to blame the society and the inaction of the government, and not the personality as well. Nevertheless, the volitional component shows a big part of the intolerant adjustments: the overwhelming majority would welcome strong repressive measures as a way of regulating the quantity and quality of the social bottom (such as tightening of law and correctional system) but the readiness for any help is reduced. The main factor of intolerance is the hedonic value orientation (not for work, but for leisure and personal success). The “normal” majority, of Kaluga residents, is for the forced isolation of the representatives of the “social bottom”, who are socially dangerous (in their opinion). This majority votes for creation of analogues of the workhouses, ghettos, reservations or for eviction, and for the involuntary treatment.
The collective social isolation as a form of social relations has a number of positive effects, so that’s why it can not be rated as “evil”, as a “social disease”. It manifests itself as a measure which prevents such marginalized groups as homeless people, single pensioners and the handicapped people,children from families with "social risk” from criminalization and reduction of mortality and morbidity of the population by victimization with the help of the chemical addiction.
It lowers the level of destruction, aggression, addiction in society, and as a punitive function (imprisonment for example); it supports the belief of the majority in an equitable world and restrains the illegal course with established antisocial orientation which is propagandized by the population.
This very fact of the isolation changes the structure of the personality, reduces its social origin, and distorts the nature of "normal" passing of social processes.
It provokes the distinctive deviations in the socialization of children and adolescents who are raised in isolated groups, in everyday life and communication, including the skills of the territorial and temporal orientation in socio-cultural urban infrastructure and in the area of social and professional parts. By narrowing the chances of a successful social adaptation of orphans in terms of job placement, by creation of a complete family and the achievement of the aims in daily interactions, it becomes a risky factor of
refilling the “social bottom” with these children.
According to children and adolescents marginalization and isolation, there is a number of specific characteristics.
Firstly, the marginal status of children is almost always enacted, automatically inherited from the marginalized parents, or it can be assigned by a group based on the perception of "otherness". Only sporadically (in relation to the individual, its psychosocial role in a small group) the marginal status may be the result of a conscious choice, as a removal from the group, or an effect of the group dynamics (isolation, as a measure of social penalty, from the group’s side, who rejects the "alien" in the socio-cultural attitude).
Secondly, it can be expected, that the individual isolation causes a child and an adolescent more suffering, than an adult, because public opinion of the referent group at this stage of socialization has the decisive role.
Therefore, on the one hand, children's marginality being formed and secured as a status on the early stage of personal development, is a more dangerous social fact than the “acquired” marginality of an adult, as it makes the personality tougher: on the other hand, being diagnosed in time it can be corrected easier and probably with a large (long-term) effect.
The achievable isolation of a child (social and psychological status in the small group) may lead to the replenishment of the “social bottom” through the formation of deviant orientation of the individual, whereas prescribed by the current structure social isolation wants to save the configuration of the composition of the “social bottom” population without affecting on the dynamics.
Group isolation should be used only in conjunction with the rehabilitation measures, as the compulsory isolation of repressive type can give a completely opposite effect, it should be a temporal and short measure, as it develops such specific social and psychological effects as a "demonstrational behavior" in combination with "learned helplessness" in wards of establishments of social protection such as “punishment room”,reducing the chance of adapting to the "wide" society.
The general role of the group social isolation, as a measure of dynamics control of a “social bottom” shows the comparison, of our calculations of the HDI (human development index) and the SUI (social unhappiness index) for representatives of the "social bottom" and groups of "social risk" (juvenile, able-bodied, people of the retirement age) according to the interview conducted in the streets (old people, adults and adolescents, beggars or people who were drinking alcohol, mostly in the evening hours to confirm overwhelming child neglect) and in social protection institutions (home for the elderly and disabled, children's homes and boarding school). Despite the specific of subgroups, there is a general trend: in terms of social protection the SUI decreases, but the HDI decreases the greater the longer the term of being a client of the social service is. On the contrary, in the “street” terms the data of the SUI are significantly higher, and the HDI is higher too, which is connected primarily with the active position and self-reliance.
Within the project, which is based on the materials about Kaluga, channels of the uprising and descending mobility in the process of marginalization and social degradation of personality,
the composition and structure of the modern "social bottom", its sources and forms of reproduction are supposed to be detected. The most part of our attention, we plan to focus on
the gender, age, territorial and housing facts of such social diseases as begging, vagrancy, prostitution, social orphanhood and child neglect. We need to explore the historical and contemporary preventive, punitive, rehabilitative and adapting experience of various subjects of managing marginalization and pauper rear practice as well. In particular, we intend to identify functions / dysfunctions and forms of realization the managing of the social isolation (in institutional and open practices) as the standard model of interaction of the "social bottom" with "big" society; we also intend to assess the prevalence of this form, which depends on the nature of social policy, features and efficiency of certain social institutions, depending on the personal resources of the managed object (a representative of the "social bottom") and on the stage of re-socialization of the individual in a marginal environment. The chief aim - is to determine under what conditions and in relation to which social groups isolation acts as a measure of preventing the marginalization, correction of the deviant behavior or as a mechanism of their formation and further strengthen.