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Локальная биоочистка фенолсодержащих сточных вод просмотров: 1291



OAO “Sintez-Kaychyk”, 14, Tekhnicheskaya, Sterlitamak, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 453110

OAO “SNXZ”, 10, Tekhnicheskaya, Sterlitamak, the Republic of Bashkortostan, 453110

Kaliningrad State Technical University, 1, Sovetsky Prospekt, Kaliningrad, 236000

Wastewater biotreatment is quite an effective technology which is being increasingly widely adopted [1]. The essence of all its types is that the cumulative effect of actived sludge, biofilm and homogenous cell suspensions provides decomposition of chemical contaminants to the environmentally friendly level (CO2 and H2O).

The most prospective direction for solving such issues is the local wastewater treatment due to the presence of a narrow range of pollutants. The consequence of this circumstance is the ability to create microflora which will be the most fully adapted to a particular sewer. The most interesting issue is the bio-oxidation of sterically hindered phenols, which are less amenable to biodegradation. The new strain Pseudornonas aeruginosa XP-25 was isolated from phenol-contaminated soil of the Sterlitamak petrochemical plant through the process of cultivation of a soil sample in a mineralized medium and then the most active forms were selected. This strain was deposited in the All-Russian Collection of Industrial Microorganisms numbered B-8613. The strain causes a strong biological degradation of aroma compounds (phenol at the concentration of 1500 mg/l, and its alkyl derivatives - at the concentration of 150-300 mg/l) at a sufficiently high rate [2].

On the basis of laboratory experiments, a technological scheme has been proposed. It deals with the local wastewater biotreatment of a shop producing antioxidants, which contain phenol and its derivatives (2,4-, 2,6-ditredbutilfenol). After their pre-extraction by ether, the residual concentration of phenolic compounds was 30-40 mg/l [3,4].

Considering the large-tonnage production, it is appropriate to use the microflora on a carrier with a more developed surface (e.g. coal), which allows the system to operate in plug flow and enhance mass transfer between different phases. Carrying capacity of such a facility is up to 200 g / m3 per hour.

The proposed method allows to treat in a short period of time the phenol-containing wastewater, in particular, from the sterically hindered alkylphenols, which are less amenable to biodegradation.

- 0 +    дата: 29 января 2013

   Загружено переводчиком: Лычковская Эвелина Сергеевна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3eswX0WJ5ZSVERLQ0MtNjRSY00/edit