
Лучшее из переведенного

Использование инструментов бизнес-планирования просмотров: 1502

Use of business planning tools
Urva Т.1, Tchupakhina N.2, Skrypnik L.3, Poltavskaya R.3, Tchupakhina G.3
 1Jõgeva County Development and Business Centre. Suur 3, Jõgeva 48306, Estonia.
Kaliningrad State Technical University. Sovetsky prospect, 1. Kaliningrad 236000, Russia.
Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University. Nevskogo str., 14. Kaliningrad 236041, Russia.


Nowadays the establishment of technology parks and business incubators on the basis of universities and research institutes is a widespread practice all over the world /1/. Professional virtual platforms enable to increase the involvement of the territories distant from scientific centers into the innovative activity. It is the first time that we offer a software product iPlanner.NET in Russian for commercializing the activity of the Laboratory of natural antioxidants of the Institute of chemistry and biology of Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russia).

In the laboratory the total amount of antioxidants is estimated according to the method of Yashin Y.I. using the analyzer "TsvetYauza-01-AA"with ampere detection. If it is necessary to verify the obtained regularities, the DPPH method is used. This method was adapted in the Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu /2/. The content of antioxidants is estimated in basic food products, beverages and edible raw materials. Data banks are created to store the research results. It is planned to add corrections for product varieties and shelf life /3/.

 iPlanner tool enabled the independent development and modernization of a business plan with the help of an application program. Moreover, it became possible to consult a specialist, who is looking through the project in real-time and dialogue mode, as well as to use a professional platform to discuss the results among the colleagues from different countries. This point is very important in the complex process of moving a particular research practice into the area of a competitive commercial activity.

1. Urva, T. The innovative experience of the University of Tartu in the field of natural and technical sciences / T. Urva // “Izvestia” Kaliningrad State Technical University - 2012. - №27. - P. 232 - 235.

2. Yashin, A. Natural antioxidants. Their content in food products and their impact on health and ageing process / A. Jashin, J. Jashin, V.Ryznev. - Moscow: TransLit, 2009 – P. 212.

3. Tchupakhina N. Comparison of methods for the total antioxidant activity analysis / N. Tchupakhina, T. Tõnutare, U. Moore // Vestnik IK BFU. - 2012. - №1. – P. 69-74.

- 0 +    дата: 11 февраля 2013

   Загружено переводчиком: Лычковская Эвелина Сергеевна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: https://docs.google.com/file/d/0B3eswX0WJ5ZSaGZoX28yYllGeHc/edit?usp=sharing