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Рокег Club Company Advertising booklet просмотров: 1614

Рокег Club Company Advertising booklet


About the company


Рокег Club is a team of like-minded persons the formation of which dates back to the 90s of the last century. Beneath our eyes and with the direct participation poker took first tentative steps in Russia, eventually becoming a large and successful industry. Thanks to the laborious and hard work our company has reached the level that allows us to declare Рокег Club the most professional team of poker managers in the whole ex-Soviet space.


All members of Рокег Club have a detailed approach to the performance of their tasks to achieve the most effective results. Naming ourselves professionals we are talking about huge experience gained by many years of work, about knowledge and skills acquired every day.


When in July 2009 poker was removed from the register of sports of Russian Federation, we have not lost the faith in what we do, we continued to develop our company and poker in general. Now we have moved our projects to countries where poker is allowed, thus we’ve entered the market. The company has allocated several key directions:


  • Organization of tournaments for players from Russian Federation, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia and other post-Soviet states, as well as for players from Italy, Greece, Lebanon and other countries.

  • Открытие покерных клубов в странах СНГ, Египте, Кипре, Макао и других странах, где покер разрешен и популярен.

  • Opening poker clubs in CIS countries, Egypt, Cyprus, Macao and other countries where poker is permitted and popular.

  • Продажа и производство покерного оборудования для игр дома. Intentionally для реализации этого направления мы разработали новый бренд - Рокег Р1асе - профессиональное оборудование для игр дома.

  • Sale and manufacture of equipment for poker games at home. Intentionally for the implementation of this direction we have developed a new brand - Рокег Р1асе - professional equipment for home games.


Since the autumn of 2009 our company has got strong support from one of the largest and by the dynamics most advanced poker room - Rip TP1 Rokeg. Such attention on the part of one of the poker trendsetters in the world to our project proves the correctness of our chosen path and opens up new prospects for development.

- 0 +    дата: 31 мая 2013

   Загружено переводчиком: Руснак Кристина Викторовна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: http://www.pokerfed.org/member-nation/russia/