Соглашение О порядке осуществления родительских прав родителем, проживающим отдельно от детей просмотров: 4352
governing the exercise of parental rights
by the parent living apart from HIS/HER children
City of Moscow, nineteenth day of September, two thousand and twelve.
We, xxx, born on xxx, place of birth: xxx, gender: male, passport xxx, issued by Department of Foreign Affairs xxx on xxx, registered at: xxx, on the one hand,
and xxx, born on xxx, place of birth: town of xxx of the Republic of xxx, nationality: Russian Federation, gender: xxx, passport xxx, issued by the Department of the Federal Migration Service xxx on xxx, subdivision code xxx, registered at: xxx, on the other hand, hereinafter referred to as the "Parties",
being of sound mind and memory, acting voluntarily entered into this Agreement on the following conditions:
1. The Parties were not married and are not married, but have minor children:
1.1. Son xxx, born on xxx, place of birth: city of Moscow, Russia, gender: xxx, birth certificate xxx No. xxx issued by the xxx on xxx, will live with his Father xxx in his residence at xxx.
1.2. Daughter xxx, born on xxx, place of birth: city of Moscow, Russia, gender: xxx, birth certificate xxx No. xxx issued by the xxx on xxx, will live with his Father xxx in his residence at xxx.
1.3. The parent living apart from her children shall have the right to communicate with her the children, participate in their upbringing and education.
1.4. The parent the children live with shall not prevent the children from communicating with the other parent, if such contact does not do harm to the physical and mental health of the children, their moral development, and shall also have the right to:
- make a decision to change children’s place of residence;
- make choices regarding educational institutions for the children;
- involve other persons to bring the children up in their best interests;
- consent to medical intervention for the children;
- conclude transactions on behalf of the minor children;
- defend the interests of the children in court and before third parties;
- carry out other actions not prohibited by law to protect the rights and interests of the children
in his discretion.
1.5. The parent living apart from her children (Mother) shall have the right to communicate with the children. Such communication shall be carried out in the following order:
Communication period is not less than fourteen days a year. This term can be changed.
Communication shall be carried out in the presence of the Father or his family.
The Mother shall inform the Father about the upcoming communication with the children and its duration one month beforehand.
When communicating with the children, the Mother shall avoid actions that could harm mental health of the children and their moral development, as well as avoid neglect, cruel or degrading treatment, abuse of the children or persons they live with.
1.6. In accordance with Article 67 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation, the parent the children live with shall provide an opportunity for the children to communicate with their grandparents on Mother’s side.
Such communication period is not less than fourteen days a year. This term can be changed by mutual agreement of both parents.
Communication of the children with their grandparents on Mother’s side shall be carried out in the presence of the Father or his family.
The grandparents on Mother’s side shall inform the Father about the upcoming communication with the children and its duration one month beforehand.
When communicating with the children, the grandparents on Mother’s side shall avoid actions that could harm mental health of the children and their moral development, as well as avoid neglect, cruel or degrading treatment, abuse of the children or persons they live with.
2. This Agreement is considered concluded after its notarization and is considered terminated when:
- the children are of legal age;
- events occur according to which, the obligations under this Agreement are terminated.
3. By mutual Agreement the parents shall have the right to amend this Agreement or terminate it. Amendment or termination of this Agreement shall be notarized. If consensus is not found, an interested Party may apply to the court to amend or terminate this Agreement. One cannot unilaterally refuse executing this Agreement. This Agreement cannot be amended unilaterally.
4. The contents of Articles 61, 63-66, 68 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation were explained to the Parties.
5. Costs for this Agreement shall be paid by xxx.
6. This Agreement is executed in three copies, one of which is kept by xxx, Notary Public of the city of Moscow, at: Moscow, xxx, one copy is given to xxx and one copy is given to xxx.
Since citizen xxx does not know the Russian language, the text of the Agreement was interpreted to him from Russian into English by interpreter plitko anton viktorovich, born on November 9, 1985, gender: male, passport xxx, issued by xxx on xxx, registered at: xxx.
(xxx) (Signed)
Interpreter (plitko anton viktorovich) (Signed)
(xxx) (Signed)
City of Moscow.
xxx, two thousand and twelve.
This Agreement was notarized by me, xxx, notary public of the city of Moscow.
This Agreement was signed by the Parties in my presence. The identity of the parties was established, their legal capacity was verified.
The signature of interpreter plitko anton viktorovich, who interpreted from Russian into English, was put in my presence. I do certify the authenticity of his signature. The identity of the interpreter was established.
Filed into the Register under No. xxx
Fee in the amount of 350 roubles and 00 kopecks was charged.
The amount of 5,000 roubles and 00 kopecks for legal and technical services was charged.
Notary Public (Signed) XXX
Official Seal of XXX, Notary Public of the city of Moscow, TIN XXX.
Загружено переводчиком: Плитко Антон Викторович Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: Нет