International tourism and its customs regulation in Republick of Belarus просмотров: 1458
Introduction: International tourism in modern conditions assumes ever greater importance and influence on political, economical and cultural relationships between governments. Growth rates in the sector of the economy take the leading part in comparison with other spheres. And Republick of Belarus isn’t an exception. Consider this, governments remove barriers, which impede the tourist development. Here can be found customs barriers. Today in the international relations for its development was made the whole system of legal regulation, including a number of principles and norms, which regulate the governments activity in the tourism sphere. Government, as usual doesn’t take part in arranging tourists’ trips but still responsible for legal, financial, customs and other activities, which encourage the tourists trips.
The normative and legal foundation in the sphere of tourism introduced by resolutions and declarations of international organizations (UN, Council of Europe), also international tourists organizations such as WTO [1]. Practically all this documents introduce the norms concerning the simplification of customs formalities while travelling. This factor becomes the most important one that encourage the tourist’s development policy.
The most important document in the sphere of international collaboration and partnership is Hague Declaration of the Interparliamentary Conference on Tourism of 1989. Certain findings and recommendation of the conference concerned the simplification of customs formalities. Particularly, chapter № 50 introduce the problem concerning the variations on free entry and removal in different countries [2]. There is an order in chapter № 55 in the evidence of recommendation for this problem solution. It said that governments should pay attention to the principles of simplification customs formalities in the international tourism [3]. In other words, to create the customs policy on the principles of flexibility and mobility in answer to dynamic growth of entrance and exit tourism. It should be mentioned that such a norm concerned Republick of Belarus either and fixed in resolution, which was signed within the scope of Commonwealth of Independent States 2000 « Hague Declaration on tourism of 1989» [4].
The declaration made and approved on the conference of tourist’s leaders, which passed from the 30th september till the first october 2001 in Osaka. In the network within the 14th session of General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization introduces the order «to exercise further simplification of tourists stream, taking away useless administrative and tax restrictions » [5].
The Final Act of conference on Security and Cooperation in the Europe introduced the intention to encourage either individual or collective tourism. So some certain privileges should be given, including customs [6].
Such norms are introduced in Manila Declaration about international tourism, Budapest Convention on simplification of tourists’ trips and staying. Also some other agreements concluded on regional level .So we can realize that the problem isn’t a new one.
Legal foundation in Republick of Belarus concerning the simplification of customs formalities on the international tourism was introduced in International Tourists program 2006- 2012. In the chapter № 3was determined that in order to develop the system of government regulation and support tourist activity the legislation concerning the questions of entry and exit tourism, simplification of visa system, customs and frontier post should be done [7].
As an example of regional collaboration in the sphere of international tourism and simplification of customs formalities can be introduced Intergovernmental agreement « On cooperation in tourism » [8]. In the scope within the agreement the participant-governments obliged to tend to the simplification of customs formalities connected with the tourists’ exchange.
Conclusion: Today a lot of problems are sold on the international level. Tourists’ connections play very important role in the international relationships. So these relations became an object of attention of international organizations and national governments. But in spite of creation different tourists’ organizations even in the intergovernmental level some questions are still demanded solution. It’s connected with the norms that published by such organizations have an advisory opinion. That’s why practically all declarations and treatments are useless and ignored by the governments.