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Пластиковую тару – в специальные контейнеры просмотров: 1221

Plastic package into the special container

Containers for plastic package collection will be put up in Volgograd; city ecological action named 'Let's make our city cleaner' is organized by the environmental protection and natural resources department ofthe city authorities and the recycling company. Special containers have already appeared in the amusement park and other public places; they plan to use over 50 grounds to place these vessels for plastic.

The basis of measures of the action is the idea of separate collection of rubbish. As it is known plastic is the material which is almost non-decomposing with the lapse of time and burning of it cause the appearance of noxious volatile toxic substances which can terribly harm a person's organism. Ecologists sound the alarm because non-decomposing plastic waste and, in the first place, millions of polyethylene beverage bottles thrown into the environment threaten a real catastrophe. So, the recycling process of plastic package should be done on the special factories. Within the framework of the action named 'Let's make our city cleaner' within the next two months in all districts of Volgograd will be placed special containers for plastic package collection with bright symbolism. All the citizens of Volgograd will be able to see them near the shops of the large grocery networks, in the places for citizens' recreation and close to common food waste tanks. Collected plastic then will be sent for recycling; walkway slab, roof tile, polymeric manholes and blocks will be made out of it.


Source: Oficial inquiry and communications portal of Volgograd

- 0 +    дата: 9 декабря 2013

   Загружено переводчиком: Аржанцева Ксения Владимировна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: http://www.volgadmin.ru/ru/MPAuthority/News/Print.aspx?idm=22417