Cублицензионный договор просмотров: 2057
over delegation of the unexclusive license
of the city of Almata «__» _______ 2012 г.
Limited liability partnership company «CorporateBusinessSystems»,, further related to as «Grantee of licence», in the person of Director Alikberov Irlan Gaisarovich, operating under authority of the Statute, on the one party and _____________________, further named as “Sublicensee”, in the person of ______________________ operating under authority ______________, on the party, taking into consideration that Grantee of licence possesses the non-exclusive rights to afford a right to use a certain license software of the Microsoft company, under the authority of the MicrosoftChannelAgreement treaty from the 4th of September 2012, negotiated with the company “Microsoft Airland Operations Limited”, have negotiated a contract on the following:
Expression and interlocutory judgements
Treaty – this document is implied.
Possessor of right – “Microsoft” company, registered according to the USA legislation, “Microsoft Airland Operations Limited”, registered according to the Ireland’s legislation, affiliated to the “Microsoft” company, possessing the rights to the Software.
Software – programmes for data-flow computer or database, the rights to which are granted according to this Treaty.
Grantee of licence is the party of this Treaty, possessing the authority according to the treaty made with the company “Microsoft Airland Operations Limited” to grant the rights for use of a certain license software of the Possessor of right.
Sublicensee is the party of this Treaty, contracting the rights to the use of the Software.
Grantee of licence and Sublicensee are named individually as the Party and mutually as the Parties.
именуются индивидуально как Сторона и вместе как Стороны.
The EnterpriseAgreement Agreement is an agreement made between Sublicensee and corresponding Possessor of right under the authority of this Treaty, regulating the conditions of use of the copied copies of the licence Software.
The Agreement on Registration of the enterprise through the mercantile broker EnterpriseEnrollment (Indirect) is the agreement made between Sublicensee and Possessor of right of the order for the software through the mercantile broker – the Grantee of licence.
1. Subject of the agreement
1.1. The licensee possessing the authority to sign the present Contract according to the MicrosoftChannelAgreement contract from September 4, 2010, undertakes to transfer to the Sublicensee the non-exclusive license for use of the license Software of the Owner listed in the Appendix No. 1 and to the present Contract, being an integral part of the present Contract, for compensation.
1.1.1. The non-exclusive license transferred to the Sublicensee under the present Contract for use of the license Software includes: • the right to the reproduction of the license Software limited to the right of installation, copying and start of the license Software.
1.2. The sublicensee undertakes to pay compensation to the Licensee according to conditions of the present Contract.
1.3. The non-exclusive license for use of the license Software of the Owner listed in the Appendix No.1 to the present Contract, the Licensee undertakes to grant to the Sublicensee under condition of the conclusion the Sublicensee with the Owner of the agreement of EnterpriseAgreement and соглашенияо to enterprise Registration through the trading intermediary of EnterpriseEnrollment (Indirect).
1.4. Period of validity of the non-exclusive license transferred on the present Contract on use of the license Software of the Owner – 1 year from the moment of signing of the relevant Act according to the section 5 of the Contract.
1.5. The sublicensee after expiration period of validity of the present Treaty and under condition of introduction of all payments according to the schedule of the payments provided by the сlause 4.1. of the Treaty, gets constant rights to use the data-flow-computer program on the terms of the simple (non-exclusive) license, without any additional payment.
2. Rights and obligations of the Parties
2.1. The sublicensee undertakes to meet conditions of the agreement of Enterprise Agreement and соглашенияо enterprise Registration through the trading intermediary of EnterpriseEnrollment (Indirect) concluded by the Sublicensee with the Owner.
2.2. The licensee has the right, at essential violation by the Sublicensee of conditions of the real Contract, to refuse in whole or partially the observance of the real Contract and to terminate the non-exclusive license transferred for use of the license Software of the Owner on the Contract, concerning the Software with which such violation is connected, under condition of the prior written notification of it the Sublicensee not less, than in 14 (fourteen) calendar days prior to date of such refusal.
3. The price of the treaty
3.1. The Sublicensee pays to the Licensee compensation in the size _____ to tenge, including the VAT for the non-exclusive license provided on the present Contract for use of the license Software of the Owner listed in the Appendix No. 1 to the present Contract.
3.2. The Sublicensee pays for compensation to the Licensee for granting a right to the use of the license Software. The procedure of payments is defined in point 4 of the present Contract.
3.3. Payment under the present Contract is established by transfer of money by the Sublicensee to a current account of the Licensee that is proven by the relevant payment document.
3.4. At implementation of payments the Sublicensee is obliged to specify number of the present Contract and number of the paid account so that the Licensee could identify the received payment. The operating sum of the contract, is subject to indexation for date of payment by the Sublicensee, according to a formula as follows:
Co = to Cc * (To / to Cs), wherein
Co is the Sum for payment by the Sublicensee;
Сс is the Sum established according to the current contract, taking into account all applicable taxes and other obligatory payments.
To – an official rate of tenge to the US dollar, established by the RK National Bank for the date of payment by the Sublicensee;
Кс – an official rate of tenge to the US dollar, established by the RK National bank for date of signing of the contract of the charge account. The specified indexation is not established, if the coefficient Co / Ks is within the limits between 0,98 and 1,02.
Загружено переводчиком: Выженко Артем Александрович Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: www.profalians.com.ua