У «Мосводоканала» появился удобный инструмент для управления водным хозяйством Москвы просмотров: 1465
The "Mosvodokanal" has received a convenient tool for water management in Moscow
A multimedia platform for water management in Moscow has been enabled in the Central Dispatch Unit.
The Mosvodokanal dispatchers have received a handy tool for monitoring of water conservancy facilities in Moscow and troubleshooting of failures during the reconstruction of its Central Dispatch Unit. Integrated complex of audiovisual and informational systems was made by the CROC Company in three months.
At the moment the information is arriving to the complex from more than three thousand sources, including virtual. In the future, adding new objects and territories is planned. Data from multiple information systems are automatically displayed in an aggregated form on the video wall (5*2 m, 15 Mitsubishi LCD-panels). With the help of a control tablet, the staff can quickly change the layout of the screens - this allows you to respond quickly in case of emergency. The room of the CDU is equipped with audio and video-conferencing subsystems, and the congress system.
OJSC "Mosvodokanal" is the largest water company in Russia, which produces drinking water for residents of Moscow, and carries on its transportation, distribution, and accounting, as well as issues of sewage and waste water treatment. The Central Dispatch Unit (CDU) of the Mosvodokanal not only monitors the industrial infrastructure, but also accumulates and handles complaints about problems in their work. In addition, the project promotes the effective solution of one of the most important tasks of the company - the rapid elimination of accidents.
"We have reached a new level of awareness of our dispatcher, either in normal or in emergency mode. In case of an accident the claim is entered into the system, allowing you to monitor the progress of the work to fix it. The integrated navigation system allows you to track the movement of official vehicles, and the video conferencing system installed in the vehicle of emergency service chief lets you see what is happening at the scene. Simultaneously, it’s possible to monitor the status of Mosvodokanal structures located nearby. The project has helped to improve the speed and accuracy of decision making in the localization and liquidation of incidents, "- said L.V. Golovin, the chief Mosvodokanal engineer deputy.
"From the first days of the implementation, the Mosvodokanal Chief Executives and dispatchers took an active part in it - they helped to set goals and specified system requirements. By working together we got a solution that best meets the expectations of the system users. For example, in case of emergency the most important information is displayed on the video wall. This is convenient, because during a major accident the Mosvodokanal executives are present in the CDU - rightly structured data allow immediate assessing of the situation, "- said Alexey Volkov, head of the CROC audiovisual systems branch.
Sources: prpartner.ru; www.croc.ru
Загружено переводчиком: Завадская Вероника Сергеевна Биржа переводов 01
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