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SOPA Bill 2014. Seven Things about Controversial Legislation просмотров: 1921

SOPA Bill 2014. Seven Things about Controversial Legislation
January 26th, 2014
SOPA legislation is being regarded in Congress 2014, it is the sister bill to the Protected IP Act , it has passed the senate in 2010. Detailed considering of the Stop Online Piracy Act leads to the understanding the reason why this bill has so many on the Internet ?
Its most basic level SOPA is a bill that reacts to the web actions, it is some kind of violation of many parts of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it is a monumental legislation piece of the institution on-line.
SOPA actually informs web users affection abroad. Here are several principles about SOPA legislation: how supporters argue and how they create jobs why some websites could create on-line monopolies and then cause the US government to wind up state of censorship.
SOPA’s proponents regard this bill as a protection for US citizens and some corporations from foreign sites and the opponents argue the amounts to nothing else less than wholesale censorship with few regulation.
SOPA, what is it?
SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act that was introduced by House Judiciary Committee chairman Lamar Smith
SOPA is a companion bill to the Senate’s Protect IP Act that passes to the Senate a bit earlier .Protect IP aimed to target web companies that host unauthorized content from song , movies or software.
SOPA goes a bit further than the first bill , it is detailed in the points. It grants the official representatives powers to go after web sites that are using content , it makes many more people on the internet susceptible to legal action, it shut downs entire domains for the violation, even if it is indirect or unknowing.
2. Internet Piracy is Rampant in U.S. and Abroad
Michael O’Leary a witness for the Motion Picture Association of America told congress that this is fundamentally about a job.
Internet Piracy is Rampant abroad and in US
On-line piracy from business side of view is a huge problem for America and it will be so up to the 2012. The chamber of commerce is estimating Us companies lose for about $135 billion a year.
In the future, SOPA would allow for much bigger returns on these companies’ investments, and could stop the industry from shrinking, cutting jobs and whole sectors. Piracy’s ripple effect goes beyond companies and studios, even some artists within them, all this can affect thousands of businesses working within the entertainment , retail industries.
3. But It’s Not Just About Internet Piracy
SOPA’s proponents argue that online infringement has become an epidemic. In order to combat such flagrant abuses of copyright legislation, extreme measures must be taken.

SOPA’s proponents argue about on-line infringement. Those who are in favor of the bill argue that violators should be targeted. One of the bloggers for the MPAA has informed : “SOPA will target rogue sites deliberately engage in the illegal including movies and television shows for profit.” This type of the bill would go after websites like Megavideo and Sidereel.com.
SOPA legislation however, just like sister-bill Protect IP, is written in very broad, vague terms, meaning even sites that use song clips, or create GIFs using scenes from copyrighted movies, could potentially be forced to remove the content or be shut down entirely.
In order to qualify as a violation of SOPA, this is all the site needs to be directed toward the U.S. and either “engage in, enable, or facilitate” infringement” or be taking steps “avoid confirming a high probability” of copyright infringement.”
Similar sweeping legislation affects every share-content side on the web nowadays, especially in Tumbrl accounts and sites like reddit.com
Opponents of the Stop Online Piracy Act pointed out many ways in which the censorship is hidden in the proposed legislation barely differs from china’s censorship of Google, it is some kind of phenomena that many Americans are fond of decrying by means of the regular basis.
The electronic frontier foundation has been instrumental in compiling a series of articles on the overarching effect of the SOPA and Protect IP.
4. SOPA has a power to make sites disappear with information
SOPA would require service providers to disappear websites with violating copyright content, it evolves web security and at the same time censors entire sites.
Digital Millenium Copyright Act grants immunity to web sites for posting content on the site by users. SOPA blurs the distinction between the site’s host and those who posted there. Sites could be punished simply for doing nothing to police their site even in case the owner did not placed anything illegal.
SOPA is allowed to send entire domains to the blacklist, it means turning off thousands of web sites associated with the offender. Type in the URL of the targeted website as well as all this is direct and indirect.
It also means that what happened to Wikileaks via voluntary censorship could now occur in a systematized and streamlined way, as long as someone, somewhere, believes their IP rights are being violated.
5. SOPA could create on-line monopolies
Computer world has been focusing on the Act’s effect on advertising nets and payment sites.
Without needing to consult Congress DMCA safe harbor laws or judge’s verdict that is guilty the payment processor or advertisement service would have several days to cut off financial support, these series are granted for any actions that are being taken at the request of content users. The entire site would be financially choked off with the owners to realize the situation.

Search engines like Google and Yahoo could also fit under this bill, meaning any violation of privacy laws, even in one post on one page of the site, could remove it from being searched online.
As the history of the DMCA has shown content owners send complaints that turn out to be bogus that ensure al content even that which in the form of movie stills and in several seconds song clips is under purview.
6. SOPA and its future , not present
SOPA’s biggest critics and most diehard supporters find one of the thing they can agree: this bill and its sister Protect IP, they are likely to possess a huge effect on the future of the Internet affecting everything from the security of the DMCA for shaping the sites and some systems going viral everyday.
Facebook would be even more embroiled in advertisements and big media than it s today. Google would block more than two-thirds of all tumbrl accounts.
7. The Internet is Fighting Back
Tumbrl took a dramatic stand against SOPA back when Congress began debating it in November 16 treating users with the word ”Censored” written across it in all-caps.
EFFS ‘s website and some other online communities have pulled similar steps to demonstrate the effect of legislation.
“Since their enactment in 1998, the DMCA’s safe harbor provisions for online service providers have been a cornerstone of the U.S. Internet and technology industry’s growth and success,” the letter read.
In combating online piracy, “we should not jeopardize a foundational structure that has worked for content owners and Internet companies alike and provides certainty to innovators with new ideas for how people create, find, discuss and share information lawfully online.”
Google, twitter, Facebook, Zynga have all signed a letter to congress opposing the bill and the Protect IP Act citing the importance of the DMCA and offering to cooperation in some ways.
Since the letter’s publication European Parlaiment has adopted a resolution against this bill putting the stress on protection the integrity of the global internet and freedom of social communication.SOPA Bill 2014. Seven Things about Controversial Legislation
January 26th, 2014
SOPA legislation is being regarded in Congress 2014, it is the sister bill to the Protected IP Act , it has passed the senate in 2010. Detailed considering of the Stop Online Piracy Act leads to the understanding the reason why this bill has so many on the Internet ?
Its most basic level SOPA is a bill that reacts to the web actions, it is some kind of violation of many parts of the Digital Millennium Copyright Act, it is a monumental legislation piece of the institution on-line.
SOPA actually informs web users affection abroad. Here are several principles about SOPA legislation: how supporters argue and how they create jobs why some websites could create on-line monopolies and then cause the US government to wind up state of censorship.
SOPA’s proponents regard this bill as a protection for US citizens and some corporations from foreign sites and the opponents argue the amounts to nothing else less than wholesale censorship with few regulation.
SOPA, what is it?
SOPA is the Stop Online Piracy Act that was introduced by House Judiciary Committee chairman Lamar Smith
SOPA is a companion bill to the Senate’s Protect IP Act that passes to the Senate a bit earlier .Protect IP aimed to target web companies that host unauthorized content from song , movies or software.
SOPA goes a bit further than the first bill , it is detailed in the points. It grants the official representatives powers to go after web sites that are using content , it makes many more people on the internet susceptible to legal action, it shut downs entire domains for the violation, even if it is indirect or unknowing.
2. Internet Piracy is Rampant in U.S. and Abroad
Michael O’Leary a witness for the Motion Picture Association of America told congress that this is fundamentally about a job.
Internet Piracy is Rampant abroad and in US
On-line piracy from business side of view is a huge problem for America and it will be so up to the 2012. The chamber of commerce is estimating Us companies lose for about $135 billion a year.
In the future, SOPA would allow for much bigger returns on these companies’ investments, and could stop the industry from shrinking, cutting jobs and whole sectors. Piracy’s ripple effect goes beyond companies and studios, even some artists within them, all this can affect thousands of businesses working within the entertainment , retail industries.
3. But It’s Not Just About Internet Piracy
SOPA’s proponents argue that online infringement has become an epidemic. In order to combat such flagrant abuses of copyright legislation, extreme measures must be taken.

SOPA’s proponents argue about on-line infringement. Those who are in favor of the bill argue that violators should be targeted. One of the bloggers for the MPAA has informed : “SOPA will target rogue sites deliberately engage in the illegal including movies and television shows for profit.” This type of the bill would go after websites like Megavideo and Sidereel.com.
SOPA legislation however, just like sister-bill Protect IP, is written in very broad, vague terms, meaning even sites that use song clips, or create GIFs using scenes from copyrighted movies, could potentially be forced to remove the content or be shut down entirely.
In order to qualify as a violation of SOPA, this is all the site needs to be directed toward the U.S. and either “engage in, enable, or facilitate” infringement” or be taking steps “avoid confirming a high probability” of copyright infringement.”
Similar sweeping legislation affects every share-content side on the web nowadays, especially in Tumbrl accounts and sites like reddit.com
Opponents of the Stop Online Piracy Act pointed out many ways in which the censorship is hidden in the proposed legislation barely differs from china’s censorship of Google, it is some kind of phenomena that many Americans are fond of decrying by means of the regular basis.
The electronic frontier foundation has been instrumental in compiling a series of articles on the overarching effect of the SOPA and Protect IP.
4. SOPA has a power to make sites disappear with information
SOPA would require service providers to disappear websites with violating copyright content, it evolves web security and at the same time censors entire sites.
Digital Millenium Copyright Act grants immunity to web sites for posting content on the site by users. SOPA blurs the distinction between the site’s host and those who posted there. Sites could be punished simply for doing nothing to police their site even in case the owner did not placed anything illegal.
SOPA is allowed to send entire domains to the blacklist, it means turning off thousands of web sites associated with the offender. Type in the URL of the targeted website as well as all this is direct and indirect.
It also means that what happened to Wikileaks via voluntary censorship could now occur in a systematized and streamlined way, as long as someone, somewhere, believes their IP rights are being violated.
5. SOPA could create on-line monopolies
Computer world has been focusing on the Act’s effect on advertising nets and payment sites.
Without needing to consult Congress DMCA safe harbor laws or judge’s verdict that is guilty the payment processor or advertisement service would have several days to cut off financial support, these series are granted for any actions that are being taken at the request of content users. The entire site would be financially choked off with the owners to realize the situation.

Search engines like Google and Yahoo could also fit under this bill, meaning any violation of privacy laws, even in one post on one page of the site, could remove it from being searched online.
As the history of the DMCA has shown content owners send complaints that turn out to be bogus that ensure al content even that which in the form of movie stills and in several seconds song clips is under purview.
6. SOPA and its future , not present
SOPA’s biggest critics and most diehard supporters find one of the thing they can agree: this bill and its sister Protect IP, they are likely to possess a huge effect on the future of the Internet affecting everything from the security of the DMCA for shaping the sites and some systems going viral everyday.
Facebook would be even more embroiled in advertisements and big media than it s today. Google would block more than two-thirds of all tumbrl accounts.
7. The Internet is Fighting Back
Tumbrl took a dramatic stand against SOPA back when Congress began debating it in November 16 treating users with the word ”Censored” written across it in all-caps.
EFFS ‘s website and some other online communities have pulled similar steps to demonstrate the effect of legislation.
“Since their enactment in 1998, the DMCA’s safe harbor provisions for online service providers have been a cornerstone of the U.S. Internet and technology industry’s growth and success,” the letter read.
In combating online piracy, “we should not jeopardize a foundational structure that has worked for content owners and Internet companies alike and provides certainty to innovators with new ideas for how people create, find, discuss and share information lawfully online.”
Google, twitter, Facebook, Zynga have all signed a letter to congress opposing the bill and the Protect IP Act citing the importance of the DMCA and offering to cooperation in some ways.
Since the letter’s publication European Parlaiment has adopted a resolution against this bill putting the stress on protection the integrity of the global internet and freedom of social communication.

- 0 +    дата: 1 июня 2014

   Загружено переводчиком: Щербакова Александра Александровна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: английский    Источник: www.smarthide.com