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Economic sanctions are sanctions in trade and economic spheres put on by other countries, adverse consequences of non-compliance with provided agreements.Russian Federationwas subjected to economic sanctions from the side ofUSA, European Union and some other countries since the middle of March 2014. At present moment, sanctions of EU andUSAin respect ofRussiaaffect more than 20 individuals and 30 legal persons which could undermine materially the sovereignty and independence ofUkraine. The latter include oil companies, defense enterprise, state and commercial banks: «Rosneft», «Transneft», «Gazprom Neft», «United Aircraft Corporation», «UralVagonZavod», united industrial corporation «Oboronprom», «Scientific production association «Bazalt», Concern Radio-Electronic Technologies (KRET), «NPO Mashinostroyeniya», concern «Almaz-Antey», concern «Kalashnikov», Феодосийский нефтяной терминал, «Novatek», NPO «Izhmash», concern «Sozvezdie», JSC «KBP», VolgaGroup, STG Group (Stroytransgaz), Transoil LLC, Aquanika Company, LLC «Stroygazmontazh», LLC «Avia Group Nord», LLC «Avia Group» (International airport Sheremetyevo), LLC «Investment Company Abros», CJSC «Zest» (lease, affiliated with the bank “Russia”), «Investcapitalbank», «Sobinbank», SMP Bank, LLC «Sakhatrans».

For above mentioned organizations access is limited not only to European product markets but also financial, concerning borrowings of long-term financial resources.

  So,USAlimited export of high-technological production of double-purpose toRussia. This production could be used in military-industrial complex.  The list of such production includes: detonators, software, acoustic devices.   Department of trade also prohibited supply to Russia of American space vehicles and those vehicles which involve American components. Moreover, such Russian banks as  «Vnesheconombank», «Gazprombank», «Bank of Moscow», VTB, «Russian Agricultural Bank», «Asia Bank» were also subjected to sanctions.

American citizens and companies are prohibited to allocate credits to these Russian banks or legal persons connected with them for the period no more than 90 days. Of course, sanctions affectedCrimea. Due to the its illegal  annexation byRussia, EU limits investments toCrimea. All these and other sanctions of EU andUSAtowardsRussiahave resulted in the whole series of economic consequences. First of all, it’s withdrawal of capital from RF which made up 70 billion dollars, threatening with appearance of “holes”, patching up of which is possible only with the help of gold value reserve of RF.  Investment attraction of the country has suffered. Now not only Russian business move out assets to offshore companies but also foreign investors close their business ventures in the country. It’s clear that potential investors also reconsider their plans in respect ofRussiawhen see such a huge risk. Withdrawal of foreign capital involves increase of unemployment rate. Capitalization of large Russian companies is being reduced and the cost of their shares decreases.

How the abovementioned sanctions can be and should be parried, how can we simplify their influence on Russian economy? For the solution of this question let’s address to the international marketing.

To understand how this science will help us in this situation, at first, we should know and understand its essence. Marketing is market philosophy, strategy and thinking tactics and actions of market subjects (manufacturers, consumers, suppliers), covering the production, advertisement, pricing, promotion and service. International marketing is a market concept of management of international company activity or activity of whole country, or the complex system of organization its entrepreneurial activity, in the base of which there are principles of development, manufacturing and promotion of the production to the world market with account of providing of its long-term resources. In other words, international marketing is an important condition of effective feedback establishing between demand and supply in the international scale, it is specific guarantee that produced output having passed all stages of the production process will find the way to the ultimate consumer abroad.

The most important tools of international marketing are advertisement, public relations, sale promotion and direct marketing.

Thus, to facilitate EU andUSAsanctions in respect to Russian economy, the companies included to the blacklist should firstly look for exits to the new foreign markets. For the successful activity on foreign markets we need more significant and purposeful efforts, more careful marketing activity. There is the following order of the main solutions when carrying out of international marketing: researching of its environment; decision of expediency of access to foreign market; decision about marketing complex structure and structure of its service. It is worth noting the necessity of competitive price establishing on the assumption that offered goods is not unique because new markets are occupied by the competitors who don’t want to lose their buyers. International marketing is very difficult since it includes not only sale but also production, supply, finances and so on. It’s necessary to understand the social and economic, national and cultural conditions which were established in this or that country where the enterprise will carry out is activity in some way.. Also there can be differences in distribution, methods of storage and transportation, in legal and legislative provision, in customs rules. Every country has its national features in the sphere of advertisement, possibilities of some or other plots from the cultural point of view, religion and tradition.  There are differences in the system of expenses evaluation. Factors of scientific and technical character are also important. Development level of industrial technology of  innovation, modification of goods and services, qualification of labor force can be referred to them. These are the main difficulties of international marketing which in case of appropriate marketing activity can become positive features for the company or country because there is no receipt of behavior for every situation. So, it’s necessary to use methods of marketing creatively and flexibly, differently in each situation.

Secondly, it’s necessary to strengthen relations with CIS countries. In this case, in our opinion, excellent example of close collaboration is Eurasian economic union. Besides CIS countries, we shouldn’t forget about relations with other countries, and especially with countries whereRussiaexports such goods which can’t be replaced. Here the replacing of import appears, however it is not always reasonable on the spending side.

 Thirdly, creation of joint enterprises will increase capital inflow, quantity of work places and GDP. However, to achieve this it’s necessary to persuade potential investors that in spite of sanctions, Russian economy is in rather stable condition and invested money won’t be wasted but will be augmented few times.

Fourthly, it’s necessary to take care about the image of the country. This is the very thing the state should be occupied with. Then the sanctions introduced by the West won’t scare investors away. The increase of investment, migration and touristic attraction of the country by the creation of national brand is an important step on the way of facilitation of EU and US sanctions against Russian economy.

- 0 +    дата: 23 октября 2014

   Загружено переводчиком: Уварова Надежда Михайловна Биржа переводов 01
   Язык оригинала: русский    Источник: -