SYSTEM OF ACCREDITATION in the field of assuarance of measurement uniformity просмотров: 3700
OF 27 November 2013 N 1077
According to the art.19 of Federal Law "On Uniformity of Measurements" The Government of the Russian Federation decrees:
1. To approve the Regulations on the system of accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance.
Consultant Plus: explanatory note.
Cl.2 enters into force on 27 November 2013 (cl.8 of the present document).
2. The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation by May 1, 2014 to approve:
the criteria for accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance (in coordination with the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Federal Accreditation Service, the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology and other interested federal executive bodies);
the form of the accreditation certificate in the field of measurement uniformity assurance;
the form of metrology expert accreditation certificate;
application forms of the accreditation certificate in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, on reissuance of the accreditation certificate in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, on expanding of the accreditation scope, on reduction of the accreditation scope, on the issue of a duplicate of accreditation certificate in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, on the termination of accreditation certificate in the field of measurement uniformity assurance;
application forms of accreditation certificate for metrology experts, on reissuance of the metrology expert accreditation certificate, on the issue of a duplicate of metrology expert accreditation certificate, on the termination of metrology expert accreditation certificate;
the procedure of opening and maintenance of the Register of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs accredited in the field of measurement uniformity and of the Register of metrology experts, the procedure of providing the information contained therein.
Consultant Plus: explanatory note.
Cl.3 enters into force on 27 November 2013 (cl.8 of the present document).
3. The Federal Accreditation Service by May 1, 2014shall:
appoint the certification committee;
approve the Regulation on the certification committee;
approve the procedure qualification examination of individuals applying for the status of an expert in metrology;
approve the methodology of recording the factors influencing the selection of metrology experts and accreditation experts;
4. In accordance with the present Resolution, the exercise of powers of accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance shall be carried out by the Federal Accreditation Service within the established by the Government of the Russian Federation maximum number of employees of the central and regional administrative offices of the Federal Accreditation Service, as well as the implementation of budget allocations provided for this body from the federal budget for management and execution of its functions.
5. Recognize the paragraph 6 of cl.1 of the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of February 12, 1994 № 100 "On standardization, ensuring of measurement uniformity, certification of products and services" (Collected Acts of the President and the Government of the Russian Federation, 1994, № 8, art.598) as become invalid.
6. Complete the list of services that are essential and obligatory for the federal bodies of executive power providing state services and provided by participating organizations; the list shall be approved by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 6, 2011 № 352 "On the endorsement of the list of services being essential and obligatory for the federal bodies of executive power providing state services and provided by participating organizations and on the determination of the amount of payment for them"(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2011, № 20, art. 2829;2012, № 14, art. 1655; № 36, art. 4922)by the cl.34 as follows:
"34. Expert review of documents, data and field examination of efficiency of accreditation for the purpose of accreditation and supervisory control of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the field of measurement uniformity <*>.".
7. Establish that the documents for accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, issued prior to the entry into force of this Resolution, shall remain in force before expiry of their action.
8. The present Resolution shall enter into force on 1 May 2014, with the exception of cl.2 and cl.3 that shall enter into force on the date of signature of the present Resolution.
Chairman of the Government
of the Russian Federation
D. Medvedev
by Regulation of the Government
of the Russian Federation
of 27 November 2013 г. № 1077
I. General provisions
1. This Regulation determines the federal executive body which shall carry out accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, the structure of the system of accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, accreditation procedure, the procedure of determining the accreditation criteria, assessment procedure of accreditation experts contractually engaged by the federal executive body carrying out accreditation in the field of uniformity measurements assurance, and terms of payment of these accreditation experts.
2. According to the present Regulation, the accreditation shall be carried out by the Federal Accreditation Service.
3. The system of accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance is a part of a unified national system of accreditation.
4. The present Regulation apply to the relations associated with the accreditation of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs to carry out works and (or) services to ensure measurement uniformity, including:
а) certification of measurements methods within the scope of state regulation of measurement uniformity assurance;
b) testing of standard samples or measuring instruments in order to approve the type;
c) calibration of measuring instruments;
d) mandatory metrological examination of standards, products, design, construction and technical documentation and other items, in cases as provided by applicable law of the Russian Federation;
5. In accordance with the given Regulation, legal entities and individual entrepreneurs, performing calibration of measuring instruments, may voluntarily be accredited in the field of measurement uniformity assurance.
6. Procedure for accreditation in the field of measurement uniformity assurance in national defense and security area shall be established by a separate legal act of the Government of the Russian Federation.
7. The given Regulation provides the following terms:
“accreditation” – official recognition by national accreditation authority of any legal entity or individual entrepreneur competence in the area of performing works and services for ensuring measurement uniformity;
“accredited party” - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur, accredited in accordance with the present Regulation;
“field examination report” – a document drawn up by the results of the expert group examination of the applicant (accredited party) eligibility for accreditation at the place of its activities;
“accreditation certificate” - a document certifying the accreditation of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur for the execution of works and (or) services for ensuring measurement uniformity in a certain accreditation scope;
“certification of accreditation experts” - confirmation of a physical person compliance with the established requirements and the recognition of its competence in the field of accreditation works;
“certification of metrology experts” - confirmation of a physical person compliance with the established requirements and the recognition of its competence in the field of accreditation works in a specific area of measurement uniformity assurance;
“field assessment” - assessment of an applicant's compliance with the criteria for accreditation, conducted at the place of its activities including field examination works carried out by an expert group, as well as inspection activity carried out by the Federal Accreditation Service;
“field examination” - examination of an applicant’s (accredited party) compliance with the criteria for accreditation, conducted at the place of its activity by an expert group;
"applicant" - a legal entity or individual entrepreneur applying for accreditation in the field measurement uniformity assurance;
“supervisory control” - field examination performance of an accredited party compliance with the criteria for accreditation;
“criteria for accreditation” - a set of requirements to be met by an applicant and accredited party in a specific field of accreditation;
“accreditation scope” - a sphere of activity of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur in the field of measurement uniformity assurance, which was applied for and (or) accreditation certificate was granted for;
“certification scope” - a sphere of activity of a metrology expert whose competence for such activity shall be confirmed by a metrology expert certification;
“accreditation expert”- a physical person certified and engaged by the Federal Accreditation Service for examination of an applicant's or accredited party's compliance with the criteria for accreditation in compliance with the requirements of the management system;
“expert opinion” - a document drawn up by expert group based on examination results of provided by an applicant documents and information;
“metrology expert” – a physical person with special skills in a specific area of measurement uniformity assurance, certified and engaged by the Federal Accreditation Service for the examination of an applicant's and accredited party's compliance with the criteria for accreditation in a specific accreditation scope.
8. Accreditation criteria of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs in the field of measurement uniformity assurance are established by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, subject to the provisions of international standards in the field of measurement uniformity assurance.
Accreditation criteria include requirements for system management, employees, facilities, equipment, technical means and other material resources of an applicant (accredited party), as well as for the documents contents confirming the applicant's compliance with the criteria for accreditation.
9. In the course of accreditation process in the field of measurement uniformity assurance and certification of metrology experts, the Federal Accreditation Service shall provide protection of national, commercial and other security information protected by law, as well as other information that has limited access in accordance with federal laws.
Загружено переводчиком: Руснак Кристина Викторовна Биржа переводов 01
Язык оригинала: русский Источник: Консультант Плюс