Education is an admirable thing просмотров: 5569
«Education is an admirable thing, but it is well to remember from time to time that nothing that is worth knowing can be taught» Oscar Wilde.
It is impossible to disagree with such a truthful statement. Not because of the author’s fame, but because many generations confirm it. As for me I think that every person should be well-educated, literate after all. Nowadays most of the people can read, write, count. It is a necessary minimum we need to live in the modern society. To be successful we should move on. And I don’t mean schools and universities. Of course it is important and we can’t imagine a successful man without a diploma. But, after all, different diplomas define an educated person only formally. I believe that a success can’t be taught. A truly purposeful person makes his way without any help. Only a hard work can bring a good result. Moreover, everybody knows that knowledge which we get from schools and universities focused on an average student. But if you seeks to the top, this shouldn’t be enough. You should start to study yourself when the university education will give you everything it could give, your time comes. People should always develop themselves: learn something new, read new books, meet new people, etc. And this process shouldn’t stop. If it stops, the evolution will stop. Simply a hard daily work makes a worthy and successful person.
I have a great example. This person became my idol because of his preterhuman work. His name is Mark Zuckerberg. It is a creator of the most popular social network, called “Facebook”. Mark finished an ordinary school. He showed an interest in computers in the early childhood. Already when he was 12, he invented a little reporting program for use in the family. His teacher, who gave to Mark a base of programming, couldn’t catch him. He created computer games for entertainment. At school mark invented the first version of music software which he called “Synapse”. He released it to the web for the free download and millions of people liked it and used it. The great company “Microsoft” wanted to by this program, but Zuckerberg didn’t sell it. Then he enteredHarvardUniversityto get a psychological education like his mother has. After 2 years in the Univesity Mark with his 3 friends got an idea to create an unusual website. Friends left studying and penetrated into that idea. By the year 2004 the site was ready. Soon it became international and Mark became the youngest billionaire according to “Forbes” magazine. I believe that it is impossible not to respect him at least. He had never been taught programming. He tried it himself and he did it. Nowadays he is one of the most famous programmers in the world, there is a film about him and his website. Nearly everybody knows his name or has ever heard about ”Facebook”. And I wouldn’t be surprised if I see his name in a history textbook. He is my idol because his diligence and his talent made him great. So, here is an amazing example of an ordinary man who became very riche and famous due to efforts, insistence and desire to study on his own.
In conclusion I’d like to lead a wonderful statement of Jim Rohn, the famous British speaker. He told: ”the formal education will help you to survive, the self-education will lead you to success”.
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